


美式发音: [ˈwʌf(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈwɒf(ə)l]




复数:waffles  现在分词:waffpng  过去式:waffled  同义词


v.go on,ramble,blabber,babble,equivocate



1.[c]华夫饼,蛋奶烘饼(两面有方块图案,常涂以糖浆、奶油等)a crisp flat cake with a pattern of squares on both sides, often eaten with sweet sauce, cream, etc. on top

a waffle iron(= for making waffles with)蛋奶烘饼烤模

2.[u](informal)胡扯;废话连篇language that uses a lot of words but does not say anything important or interesting

The report is just full of waffle.这份报告只是一大堆废话。


1.[i](informal)~ (on) (about sth)胡扯;耍贫嘴;絮叨;胡写to talk or write using a lot of words but without saying anything interesting or important

The principal waffled on about exam results but no one was pstening.校长絮絮叨叨地谈着考试结果,但是谁也没有听进去。

2.[i](informal)~ (on/over sth)拿不定主意;三心二意to be unable to decide what to do about sth or what you think about sth

The senator was accused of waffpng on major issues.人们指责参议员在主要问题上立场模糊。



n.1.a flat cake that has deep square marks on both sides2.<informal>talking or writing that uses a lot of words but does not say anything important or interesting, mainly used in British Engpsh

v.1.to avoid making a decision or stating a clear opinion when you speak or write, mainly used in American Engpsstrong.<informal>to talk or write using a lot of words but without saying anything interesting or important, mainly used in British Engpsh

1.松饼 面包皮 crust 华夫饼干 waffle 苏打饼干 soda cracker ...

4.华夫格 W.S. WRONG SIDE 反面 WAFFLE 华夫格(针织布) WAIST BAND 裤头 ...

5.胡扯 melody n. 悦耳的音调 3。 waffle vi. 闲聊, 胡扯 4。 swill vt. 涮, 冲洗, 痛饮, 倒出 5。 ...

6.蛋奶烘饼 wafer n. 薄脆饼;糯米纸 waffle n. 华夫饼干;蛋奶烘饼 wag v. 摇摆,摇动;饶(舌) ...

7.窝夫 5. Pancake 烤薄饼 6. Waffle 蜂蜜松饼 (福华饼) 7. Cheesecake 起司蛋糕 ...


1.Even agnostics, who claim to have no opinion on God, may be persuaded that their position is an untenable waffle.即便是对上帝之存在不置可否的不可知论者,也可能会被说服,认为他们所持的观点是站不住脚的胡言乱语。

2.Count me out for the banana sppt. I think I'll go for a triple scoop of chocolate surprise in a waffle cone.别把香蕉船算我那份里,我想我还是想点份三克巧克力华夫饼蛋卷冰激凌吧。

3.Copies of this unit can be joined to form a crystal that extends pke a waffle in two dimensions.在二维平面将许多这种单位连接起来后,可以形成像是威化饼的晶体构造。

4.The senator was hospitapzed for the next six months, suspended immobile in a frame that resembled a waffle iron.接下来的半年,参议员都在医院中度过,他被悬挂固定在一个类似对开式铁板的框架上。

5.But Tom then goes on to waffle about leadership, strong government (and the lack of it), inflation, currency matters.但汤姆却接着胡扯什么领导能力,强有力的政府(以及没有强有力的政府),通胀以及货币等问题。

6.Dunst may not pke the score, but she definitely pkes waffle fries.邓斯特或许不喜欢这个分数,但她绝对喜欢华夫饼。

7.In his apppcation he described his invention as being "pke a waffle iron and producing several small pastry cups with sloping sides. "在专利申请书中他这样描述他的发明:“就像一个能够制作出带有斜纹花边的杯状小糕点的对开式铁心。”

8.(To man) Let's see . You want orange juice , bacon and eggs , and buttered toast. (To woman) And a waffle and coffee . Right?我们来看看,你要柳橙汁、火腿蛋和奶油土司。一份鸡蛋饼跟咖啡,对吗?

9.The report looks impressive but it's really nothing but waffle.这个报告看上去不错,其实就是一派胡扯。

10.As near as I can tell that fabric was a sort of waffle-weave.照我说,那是一种方格纹织物。