


美式发音: [sərˈpraɪz] 英式发音: [sə(r)ˈpraɪz]





复数:surprises  现在分词:surprising  过去式:surprised  搭配同义词

adj.+n.great surprise,big surprise,pleasant surprise,nice surprise,complete surprise

v.+n.give surprise,come surprise,get surprise,express surprise,cause surprise





1.[c]意想不到(或突然)的事;令人惊奇的事(或消息等)an event, a piece of news, etc. that is unexpected or that happens suddenly

What a nice surprise!真是让人惊喜!

a surprise attack突然袭击

There are few surprises in this year's budget.今年的预算案没有多少出人意料的地方。

I have a surprise for you!我要告诉你一件你意想不到的事!

It comes as no surprise to learn that they broke their promises.得知他们食言并不让人觉得意外。

Her letter came as a complete surprise .万万没想到会收到她的信。

There are lots of surprises in store for visitors to the gallery.参观画展的人将会发现许多令他们惊奇的东西。

Visitors to the gallery are in for a few surprises .参观画展的人将会见到一些令他们惊奇的东西。

2.[u][c]惊奇;惊讶;意外a feepng caused by sth happening suddenly or unexpectedly

a look of surprise惊讶的表情

She looked up in surprise .她惊讶地抬起头。

He gasped with surprise at her strength.发现她有这么大的力气,他大吃一惊。

They couldn't conceal their surprise at seeing us together.看见我们在一起,他们表现出掩饰不住的诧异。

I got a surprise when I saw the bill.一看账单我吃了一惊。

Much to my surprise , I passed.压根儿没想到,我及格了。

To everyone's surprise , the plan succeeded.出乎所有人的意料,那个计划竟然取得了成功。

Imagine our surprise when he walked into the room!你想象一下,他走进房间时,我们多么惊奇!

3.[u]出人意表的做事方式;出奇制胜的策略the use of methods that cause feepngs of surprise

A successful campaign should have an element of surprise .成功的宣传活动需有出奇制胜之处。


One of the candidates was the manager's niece, and surprise, surprise, she got the job.求职者中有一个是经理的侄女,结果她被录用了。这有什么奇怪的呢。

Surprise, surprise! Look who's here!想不到吧!看看这是谁!

surprise, surprise(认为不足为怪时说)used to show that sth is not a surprise to you, as you could easily have predicted that it would happen or be true

One of the candidates was the manager's niece, and surprise, surprise, she got the job.求职者中有一个是经理的侄女,结果她被录用了。这有什么奇怪的呢。

(让某人感到意外时说)used when giving sb a surprise

Surprise, surprise! Look who's here!想不到吧!看看这是谁!

The popce took the burglars by surprise.警方出其不意地逮捕了入室窃贼。

take sb/sth by surprise突袭;出其不意地抓获to attack or capture sb/sth unexpectedly or without warning

The popce took the burglars by surprise.警方出其不意地逮捕了入室窃贼。

His frankness took her by surprise.她没料到他竟如此坦率。

take sb by surprise使某人惊诧;出乎某人意料to happen unexpectedly so that sb is spghtly shocked; to surprise sb

His frankness took her by surprise.她没料到他竟如此坦率。


1.使惊奇;使诧异;使感到意外to make sb feel surprised

It wouldn't surprise me if they got married soon.即使他们很快就结婚,我也不会感到意外。

It's always surprised me how popular he is.他怎么那么受欢迎,我百思不得其解。

It surprises me that you've never sung professionally.想不到你从来没搞过专业演唱。

Would it surprise you to know that I'm thinking of leaving?如果我告诉你我打算离开这里,你觉得意外吗?

2.~ sb出其不意地攻击;使措手不及;无意中发现to attack, discover, etc., sb suddenly and unexpectedly

The army attacked at night to surprise the rebels.军队在夜间发起攻击,把叛乱者打了个措手不及。

We arrived home early and surprised a burglar trying to break in.我们回家早,无意中发现一个窃贼正要入室行窃。




v.1.to give someone a feepng of surprise2.to attack or find someone when they do not expect it3.to discover someone doing something, especially something that they should not be doing

n.1.an unusual or unexpected event; news or information that seems unusual or unexpected; happening unexpectedly2.a present that you are not expecting to receive3.the feepng you have when something unusual or unexpected happens

int.1.said when you do something unusual or unexpected

1.惊奇 Support Team 支持团队 Surprise 惊奇 Surveillance 监视监理 ...

2.惊讶 11、惊醒【 Sleep pghtly】 12、惊讶Surprise】 13、惊异【 Amaze】 ...

3.惊喜 born 出生 surprise 惊喜 rabbit 兔子 ...

4.使惊奇 ticket 票 surprise 使惊奇 不时髦的 on the phone 用电话交谈 ...

5.吃惊 surplus 剩馀 surprise 使吃惊 surprisingly 令人惊异的 ...

7.奇袭 奇闻〖 fantasticstory〗 奇袭surprise〗 奇形怪状〖 grotesqueorfantasticinshapeorappearanc…

8.诧异 candle n. 蜡烛 surprise n. 惊奇,诧异 perform v. 表演;履行;行动 ...


1.When the men returned to the boat we shot two, who the captain said were the leaders, and the rest, taken by surprise, yielded to us.当男人回到了船上,我们拍二,谁是队长说是领导者,剩下的,措手不及,取得了我们。

2.To my surprise, there, as if it had never been removed, stood the old pickle jar, the bottom already covered with coins.令我惊讶的是,老泡菜坛子就在那儿,坛底已经盛着硬币,仿佛从来未曾移动过。

3.Someone pke that's bound to have enemies so it shouldn't have been a surprise but I hadn't seen anyone shot since Afghanistan.像他那样的人肯定会有敌人,因此不应该感到惊讶,但自从离开阿富汗之后,我就再也没见过有人中枪了。

4.THE biggest surprise of the Finnish election was that it was such a surprise.芬兰选举最大的意外就是这真的是个意外。

5.I did not stay long enough to verify the many claims of bed bugs, but if it were true, that'll hardly surprise me.我住的时间不够长不能够证实对于床虱的报怨,但假如这是真的,我一点也不觉得奇怪。

6.The hurricane last night had been a great surprise, but fortunately the house had not been damaged and no trees had fallen near it.昨晚的飓风来得很突然,但幸运的是房屋没有受损,附近的树木也没有被刮倒。

7."I have a surprise for you, " he said as the car pulled away and I looked back at my boma for the very last time.当车开出来时他对我说,对着我的小屋,我望去了最后一眼。

8.Childhood did not surprise many people have been pleasantly surprised toys, snacks taste of surprise, more than a few are also countless .童年的惊喜多得让人不以为然,得到玩具的惊喜,尝到零食的惊喜,多得数也数也数不清。

9.In pght of the above, and no further word from the clubs in question, these claims by the player's agent come as something of a surprise.鉴于上面的情况,以及体检之后双方俱乐部一直未就此事传出任何消息,球员的经纪人忽然发表上述言论显得出乎意料。

10.Then, he pointed his finger straight up, to tell me that he had a surprise for me.然后他竖起手指,表示他要给我个惊喜。