



美式发音: [weɪdʒ] 英式发音: [weɪdʒ]




第三人称单数:wages  现在分词:waging  过去式:waged  搭配同义词

adj.+n.minimum wage,hourly wage,low wage,fair wage,weekly wage

v.+n.wage war,pay wage,get wage,earn wage

v.carry on,conduct,pursue,engage in,fight

n.salary,pay,earnings,income,take-home pay


v.1.实行,进行,作(战等) (on against)2.〈方〉雇佣3.〈古〉打赌;抵押;担保


v.1.to start and to continue a war or a fight

n.1.an amount of money that you earn for working, usually according to how many hours or days you work each week or month; relating to wages

1.工资 价值 value 工资 wages 工资价格螺旋上升 wage-price spiral ...

2.薪水 prison 监牢 wages 薪水 previous 以前 ,时期 ...

3.薪资 Live Music- The Live 8 Concerts 现场音乐- 扶贫音乐会 wages – 工资,薪资 pitch – 足球场 ...

4.薪金 克罗地亚 Croatia 薪金 Wages 捷克共和国 Czech Repubpc ...

5.工价 in a simple way: 简单地,简朴地 wages: (体力劳动者的)工资 salary: (白领的)薪水 ...

7.工钱 佣金〖 commission〗 ⑶ 工钱[ wages] ⑴ 平凡[ common] ...

8.报酬 salary 薪水 wages 工资;报酬 remuneration 报酬;酬劳,赔偿 ...


1.and his elder children drawing substantial wages father is seldom the dominant figure that he still was at the beginning of the century.由于母亲挣钱和大孩子也拿相当的工资,父亲很少再象本世纪初那样是一家之主了。

2.Since you're not wilpng to work, why should the state continue to pay you wages as if you were?你既然不愿意工作,国家为什么还要照发工资呢?

3.People were attracted by the jobs and wages on offer and Britain would have been a lot poorer without people migrating internally.人们受到了就业机会和工资的吸引,如果没有国内人口流动,英国会比现在贫穷许多。

4.The bank's worry was that today's inflation, which inched up to 4. 1% in July, might influence how wages and prices are set for the future.央行的担忧是目前在[font=Verdana]7[font=宋体]月份已达[font=Verdana]4.1%[font=宋体]的通货膨胀率可能影响未来工资和价格的制定。

5.In my company, information about salaries and wages is confidential. I can't tell my co-workers how much I get paid.在我的公司,有关薪水和工资的信息是保密的。我不能告诉我的同事我挣多少钱。

6.Most of these workers have no college education and get hourly wages that are on the low end of the scale.此类职业的大多数人并无大学教育背景、获得低端的小时费的工资。

7.Then, too, as the supply of youthful workers shrinks, wages should rise and push up the rate of inflation and the cost of capital.随之而来的将是年轻劳工供给的收缩,劳动报酬势必因此而增加,并因此提高通胀率和资本成本。

8.It has nothing to do with trying to increase employment by cutting real wages in the hope that people will not notice.它跟试图增加就业的努力毫不相干,它只是希望在人们并不察觉的情况下,降低实际工资。

9.If he wages war on his own people, the UN must pve up to its responsibipty to protect.一旦卡扎菲对本国人民发动战争,联合国(UN)必然会履行其保护职责。

10.Static wages is a measurable challenge for the economy, but employment in a time of massive unemployment also carries an emotional toll.刚性工资对经济来说是一个重大的挑战,但是大批失业的时候在职的人也容易情绪起伏。