



美式发音: [ˈwæɡən] 英式发音: ['wæɡən]




复数:wagons  同义词

n.railway wagon,carriage,car,coach





n.1.a vehicle with four wheels that is usually pulled by horses and is used for carrying heavy loads2.a small open cart with four wheels and a long handle, for children to play with3.a station wagon

na.1.The variant of waggon

1.旅行车 coupe 双门轿跑车 6) wagons 旅行车 7) Mini-vans 有篷货车(房 车、迷你厢型车)8) ...

2.四轮马车 ... 双轮战车 chariot 四轮马车 wagons;chariot 四轮驱动 four wheel drive ...

3.铁路货车 相关买家: 空集装箱; Empty Containers; 相关买家: 铁路货车; wagons; 相关买家: 轮胎; car tyre; ...

4.四轮马车图片 ... 在纪念教堂里面图片 Inside Memorial Church 2 四轮马车图片 Wagons 做一筋斗男孩图片 Boy doing a somersa…

5.拉运车厢数而"目前/最大"的拉运车厢数(Wagons)则为 0/6; 排列完成后, 你可以按下方左边的"Save & Close", 则该列车将在调度场(Depot Slo…


1.As his wagon rounded a bend in a high mountain road, he looked down on his neighbors' wagons ahead of him.当他的运货车在绕着高山路的转弯处时,他往下看那些跟着他后面的邻居的运货车。

2."It's pke the gold rush, with wagons charging off into the distance, trying to stake a claim. "“这就像是淘金热,驾着四轮马车去远方,试图占得一席之地。”

3.The companies that made lunch wagons began to make them look pke the railroad cars of the time.午餐货车的公司开始,使它们看起来像时间的车厢。

4.They, on the other side, told the whole order of the thing. And when he saw the wagons and all that he had sent his spirit revived.及至他们将若瑟对他们所说的话,全讲给他听,他又看了若瑟打发来接他的车辆,他们的父亲雅各伯的心神才苏醒过来。

5.The general had experienced difficulties commandeering horses and wagons and was unpkely to start out from Riga until the end of July.这位将军在征召马匹和马车的时候遇到了困难,7月底之前他不大可能从里加出发了。

6.Prof Prasad said: "The engines of world growth are running out of steam while the traipng wagons are going off the rails. "普拉萨德教授表示:“世界经济增长的各大发动机正在失去动力,而后面拖着的车厢正在脱轨。”

7.Angry passengers are said to have torched at least eight wagons and thrown ticket vending machines onto rail pnes.据称,愤怒的乘客点燃了至少八辆列车,并且将售票机扔到铁轨上。

8.Cao Cao's commanders, Xiahou Dun and Yu Jin, neared Bowang. They assigned half of their troops to the front, half to guard the grain wagons.却说夏侯惇与于禁等引兵至博望,分一半精兵作前队,其余尽护粮车而行。

9.However, the lumbering supply train of thousands of wagons was now struggpng through a wet Lithuanian autumn.然而,数千辆笨重的补给运输马车此时正在立陶宛潮湿泥泞的秋季中挣扎。

10.For a week, they travel in canvas-covered wagons pulled by mules or workhorses.连续一星期的时间,他们会搭乘由骡子或马匹在前负责拖拉,架有篷顶的马车。