




1.瓦尔 康柏纳 COPARTNER 华尔 WAHL 台达 DELAT ...

3.美国沃尔 美国贝迪 BRADY 美国沃尔 WAHL 美国博士能 BUSHNELL ...

4.选举 (Apnghi= 瑞士阿灵基船队) (Wahl= 选举) (Asylum= 避难,避难所) ...



7.不能和解对立面之间能够(布拉德利 Bradley)和解还是不能和解(Wahl)? 两者都对! 中智学: 旨在创造人文学的统一场论(正如爱因斯坦寻 …


1.Mr de Wahl says his company is happy to work with ISPs to overcome problems, and he is confident Joost is not about to break the internet.deWahl先生声称他的公司很乐意与ISP合作解决这些问题,同时他也很自信Joost不会破坏因特网。

2."The only reason I ever call someone anymore is if I don't have their Twitter handle or e-mail address, " Ms. Wahl said.“只有我没有对方twitter微博和电邮地址的时候,我才会打电话。”瓦尔女士说。

3.Mr. Wahl said the loss of his job was still sinking in.瓦尔先生说,工作的丢掉仍旧让他苦恼。

4."With mass transit being pushed so hard, " Mr. Wahl recalled, "I figured I'd be able to work until I was 75. "他想:“有这么大的力量在支持公交系统,我感到我能干到75岁”

5."First it's shock, and then you get angry, " Mr. Wahl said. "And then you wonder, What am I going to do? "瓦尔说:“刚开始是惊愕,然后是发怒,再然后是陷入沉思:以后我要干什么?”

6.Eugene Wahl is a scientist with America's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.尤金瓦赫尔是与美国国家海洋和大气管理局的科学家。

7.Deborah Wahl Meyer, formerly a top marketing executive for Lexus, joined Chrysler in August.今年8月,曾任雷克萨斯营销副总裁的黛博拉-威尔-梅耶(DeborahWahlMeyer)也加盟了克莱斯勒。

8.Americans, says Mr de Wahl, are more tolerant of interruptions.德•瓦赫尔先生说,美国人目前对插播广告的容忍度很大。

9." It is a bandwidth-intensive product, that much is obvious, " says Mr de Wahl.德•瓦尔先生说:“这是一种超宽带视频产品,要达到那样的数字是显而易见的。”