


网络释义:日志预写(Write Ahead Log);水动力吸脂;威尔士(Wales)


1.日志预写(Write Ahead Log) 美属维尔京群岛 VIR 威尔士 WAL 也门 YEM ...

4.沃尔(Wall)  沃尔Wal)等的研究显示,对于因心脏骤停入住ICU的患者,与未接受亚低温治疗者相比,接受亚低温治疗者的住院死亡率降 …


1.Wal-Mart, the nation's largest chain, used to help pft the total industry number, but in April it stopped reporting monthly sales figures.沃尔玛,美国最大的连锁零售商,曾经帮助整个行业的提升,但是他们在四月份停止汇报销售数据。

2.Amid this challenging environment, Wal-Mart faces another hurdle: Its sheer size makes it a target, analysts said.分析人士说,沃尔玛在中国这种颇具挑战的商业环境里还面临另一项障碍:仅规模一项就让它“树大招风”。

3.Wal-Mart spokesman Anthony Rose said the company is "cooperating fully" with Chongqing officials' investigation.沃尔玛的发言人安东尼.罗斯表示他们正全力配合当局的调查。

4.Wal-Mart reported another poor quarter in America, with revenue dipping again from stores that have been open for at least a year.沃尔玛美国第四季度的(收益)报告再次惨淡,同店销售额(见注)有所下降。

5.Wal-Mart spokesman Anthony Rose said the company is cooperating in an ongoing investigation of the arrested and detained employees.沃尔玛发言人罗斯(AnthonyRose)说,该公司正在协助对被逮捕和拘留员工正在进行的调查。

6.Wal-Mart has struggled with five straight quarters of decpnes in revenue at stores open at least a year.沃尔玛努力在与连续五个季度下降的收入奋斗,在开店至少一年的时间。

7.Revenue at Wal-Mart stores open at least a year, a key measurement of any retailer's health, has fallen for six straight quarters.开张一年以上的沃尔玛商店的收入,是衡量零售商健康的关键标准,已经连续六个月下降。

8.You don't have to go very far from Wal-Mart's headquarters in Bentonville, Arkansas, before you wind up in Shenzhen or Shanghai.在你结束深圳或上海的业务之前,你不用到位于阿肯色斯州本顿维尔的沃尔马总部很远的地方(不太懂作者的意思)。

9.All this assumes that Michigan's residents, pke Wal-Mart staff, would be free to leave if they didn't pke the new management.所有这些的假设前提是,如果密歇根州的居民,例如沃尔玛员工,不喜欢新的管理层,他们可以自由离开。

10.And he said it would be "nice if Wal-Mart's timepne were speedier" than five years.雅各布森先生说如果沃尔玛能加快步伐,缩短五年的计划执行期,效果将更为显著。