




1.慢慢走 3 Line up,please. 请排队. 4 Walk slowly. 慢慢走. 5 Walk properly. 好好走. ...

2.慢慢的走 170.in the fields 在田地里 172.walk slowly 慢慢的走 173网站屏蔽e sth. to do sth. 用……来做…… ...

3.徐步 徐州[ Xuzhou] 徐步[ walk slowly;stroll leisurely] 徐步[ with slow steps] ...

4.缓步 [recuperate;revive] 如:缓气;缓醒 缓步[ walk slowly;walk unhurrily] 缓冲[ buffer;cushion] ...

5.慢慢地走 4、pne up 排队 5、walk slowly 慢慢地走 6、talk loudly 大声讲话 ...

6.走得慢 ... fly a kite / fly kites 放风筝 13. go slowly / walk slowly 走得慢 14. go quickly / walk quickly 走得快 15. ...

7.同本义 5. 全,都。通“俱”[ all] 2. 同本义[ walk slowly] 3. 散开[ spread] ...


1.And he saw that old woman walk slowly down the side aisle and she said, Are there any letters in the right hand corner?他看见那老妇在走廊上慢慢走上前,她说:在右边的角落是不是有几个字母?

2.Two of the bars, slung in a rope's-end, made a good load for a grown man - one that he was glad to walk slowly with.两锭金条一前一后用绳子搭在肩上,就够一个大人走一趟,而且只能慢慢走。

3.Dongpo one day, palpable abdominal walk slowly, the slaver said: "Roadand what is the matter? "东坡一日退朝,扪腹徐行,顾谓侍儿曰:“汝辈且道是中有何物?”

4.Listen carefully in class----to be wholly absorbed; walk slowly after class ----not to quarrel or make noise.上课时静静听——专心致志,下课时慢慢行——不吵不闹。

5.Walk slowly, allowing every pfe to have freedom and dignity. No one should be left behind by our era.慢点走,让每一个生命都有自由和尊严,每一个人都不被时代抛下。

6.Walk (slowly)around the big lake and you will feel the beauty of it.在大湖边漫步你会感受到它的美。

7.We had to walk slowly as we could hardly discern the road in the dark.我们在黑暗中几乎辨不出路,只得缓缓地走着。

8.He pulls on his coat and we go out for a walk. Slowly the mist is leaving the mountains although the tops are still shrouded in swirls.他穿上了外套,我们出去散步。晨雾正从山上慢慢消散,而山顶仍然被雾缕笼罩着。

9.Lee zhao guang health experts have advocated the elderly husband and wife should be hand in hand, walk slowly and enjoy the fun of the ride.养生专家李昭光曾主张老年夫妻应该手牵手,慢慢走,享受一路同行的乐趣。

10.The children are slow. They walk slowly.孩子们是慢的。他们走的慢。