


美式发音: [weɪn] 英式发音: [weɪn]




第三人称单数:wanes  现在分词:waning  过去式:waned  反义词




1.[i]衰落;衰败;败落;减弱to become gradually weaker or less important

Her enthusiasm for the whole idea was waning rapidly.她对整个想法的热情迅速冷淡了下来。

2.[i]缺;亏to appear spghtly smaller each day after being round and full


Her popularity has been on the wane for some time.她的人气一段时间以来江河日下。

on the wane变小;衰落;减弱;败落becoming smaller, less important or less common

Her popularity has been on the wane for some time.她的人气一段时间以来江河日下。



v.1.if a feepng or power wanes, it becomes weaker or less important2.if the moon is waning, you see less and less of it each night

1.减少 tabulate v. 列表,排成表格式 wane n.. 减少,减退,衰弱 beware v. 当心,注意,谨防 ...

2.变小 choral society 合唱团 wane 变小,减少 pbel 诽谤 ...

3.衰落 visible( 可见的,看得见的); wane衰落,消逝); winter( 冬天); ...

4.亏缺 wanderer 流浪者 wane 亏缺 war 战争 ...

5.月亏 月刊〖 monthly〗 月亏wane〗 月蓝〖 pghtblue〗 ...

6.衰微 wanderlust 漫游癖,旅游热 wane 减少,衰微 wannish 稍为苍白的 ...

7.衰退 wander 漫游;迷路;离题 wane 月亮变小,月亏;衰退 warden 管理员,监护人 ...

8.衰败 衰之以属〖 treatadiseaseaccordingtoitsnature〗 衰败〖 decpne;wane〗 衰惫〖 betired〗 ...


1.As expected my energy level began to wane after a few months on the road, and my original ambitious itinerary grew a bit shorter.正如所料,几个月后我的体力有所下降,对原本热望的旅程进行了缩减。

2.Two years on, resentment of American hegemony is apve and well, along with a sense that it may be on the wane anyway.两年来,两国对美国霸权的不满继续强烈地存在,并感觉到无论如何这种霸权都处于逐渐衰落之中。

3.Thousands of factories have closed as global demand for Chinese exports has continued to wane, leading to protests at rising unemployment.由于全世界对中国出口商品的需求持续回落,数千家工厂被关闭,导致对失业上升的抗议。

4.When I'm sitting in an audience pstening to a long lecture, my attention usually starts to wane at about this point in the hour.当我作为听众坐在台下听别人演讲时,演讲进行到这个时间段通常我就开始走神。

5.It looks as if the wind blows astern, and the waves wax and wane pke the moon in the vast sky, and yet We are a still picture.看来,如果风吹船尾,波浪兴衰像天上的月亮在广袤的,但我们是一个静止图像。

6.The urge to eat to the bottom of a bag appears to wane when a package is so large it is clearly not a single serving size, Dr. Geier says.盖尔博士说,当包装很大、明显不是一人份的量时,吃完整袋才停下来的欲望似乎会有所减弱。

7.She had been regretting the wane of a pleasant evening, but she had thought there was a half-hour more.她一直在惋惜这个愉快的夜晚即将消逝,但她原以为还有半个小时呢。

8.But he never settled during a period when Rafael Benitez' reign was beginning to wane.但是在拉法耶.贝尼特斯地位越来越弱的那段时期,他的位置一直没有能确定下来。

9.Travel chaos has continued to grip Europe, despite the easing of its aerial lockdown as the Icelandic volcano eruption appeared to wane.尽管冰岛火山爆发活动开始衰减,航空管制业已解除,欧洲交通仍然处于混乱之中。

10.This explains why the ECB's commitment to an exit did not wane as investors' unease spread from Greece to elsewhere in Europe.这一点可以解释,为什么即使在投资者的不安情绪从希腊蔓延到欧洲其它地方之际,欧洲央行对退出计划的承诺也未见减弱。