



美式发音: [əˈfend] 英式发音: [ə'fend]



第三人称单数:offends  现在分词:offending  过去式:offended  同义词

v.upset,insult,affront,rub up the wrong way,rub the wrong way


v.1.冒犯,触犯,得罪;激怒;侮辱;伤害(...的感情)2.使不舒服3.使绊倒,使犯罪,offend somebody unintentionally 无意中得罪人4.引起不舒服;得罪人5.犯罪,犯过错6.违犯,违背(礼仪等) (against)1.冒犯,触犯,得罪;激怒;侮辱;伤害(...的感情)2.使不舒服3.使绊倒,使犯罪,offend somebody unintentionally 无意中得罪人4.引起不舒服;得罪人5.犯罪,犯过错6.违犯,违背(礼仪等) (against)

v.1.to make someone upset and angry by doing or saying something2.to commit a crime3.to break a law or rule, or to do something against your principles

1.冒犯 ) reached 达成 ) offended 冒犯 ) caught 捉住、引申为淋雨 ...

2.被冒犯的 chorus 异口同声地说 offended 被冒犯的 out in the cold 遭受冷落 ...

3.感到生气 (unhappy) 心烦意乱的 (offended) 感到生气 (intestine) 肠子 ...

4.生气的 distusted 厌恶的 offended 生气的 crowded 拥挤的 ...

5.触怒 )occupy( 占领,占有) 答案 )offended触怒,得罪,冒犯) 答案 )incpned( 倾向,倾斜) ...

6.得罪 poise 镇静 offended 得罪 prime-time 黄金时段 ...

7.冒犯了 ... Serena Dan 更该是音乐家,而不是土匪。 offended: 触犯,冒犯 Serena Van Der Woodsen 对着装 …


1.He said He forgave me for everything that I have done when I offended Him.他说他原谅我对他的一切过犯。

2.Said the father, "be not offended my son. Just tell me how you got out of it. "父亲说,“儿呀,别生气,告诉我你怎么逃出来的。”

3.My spoken Japanese is not good enough to express myself well. Please don't get offended if I sometimes say stupid things.我的日语口语还不足已很好的表达我的思想,所以如果我有时说了些愚蠢的话,请不要生气。

4.Those who belong to the "lacking any sense of humour" or "offended at the drop of a hat" groups are strongly advised to read no further.在这里诚挚建议那些“缺乏幽默感”或“容易被开罪”的朋友,不必再看下去。

5.Well, would you be horribly offended if I invited you to a Christmas party at my house?唔,如果我邀请你来我家参加圣诞聚会,你会很生气吗?

6.Don't feel under any compulsion to take me with you. I won't be offended if you don't.你不必勉强带我和你一起去。如果你不带我去,我不会生气的。

7.After all, that college freshman you might have otherwise offended could be your boss one day.然而,那个你也许有偏见大学新生,可能有一天就是你的新BOSS。

8.The fact that they can be offended by such a trifle as Countess Olenska's going to the house of a woman they consider common.我是说奥兰斯卡伯爵夫人去了一个他们认为是平民的女人家,他们不会为这样一件小事生气。

9.It is not to my credit that I have offended each of these people only once: there was no repeat performance.对于这些人,我每人只冒犯过一次,没有重复“作案”。这一点不值得赞扬。

10.I'd offer to pay for her if I thought she wouldn't be offended, but it's a rather depcate.如果不是认为她会生气,我就主动替她付账了,但这是一个相当微妙的问题。