



美式发音: [weɪn] 英式发音: [weɪn]




第三人称单数:wanes  现在分词:waning  过去式:waned  反义词





v.1.if a feepng or power wanes, it becomes weaker or less important2.if the moon is waning, you see less and less of it each night

1.亏 volatiles—— 挥发物 waning—— wavelength—— 波长 ...

2.逐渐减弱或变小的 ... visitant n. 贵宾 waning a. 渐亏的,逐渐减弱或变小的 wield v. 支配;掌握 ...

3.月亏 waning Gibbous 凸月(后半月) waning 月亏 Last Quarter 下弦月 ...

4.阑珊 兰斯 Rheims 阑珊 coming to an end;waning 拦阻 to block;to obstruct ...

5.慢慢衰减的 unsupported<> 没有支持的 waning<> 慢慢衰减的 earn<> 赚得 ...

6.衰退 ... seemed 似乎 waning 衰退 bird 鸟 ...

7.衰退的 aroma 芳香,香味 waning 衰退的 barely 仅仅;几乎没有 ...


1.'All of that will buttress Japan's waning power' as it becomes a less-important economy compared with China, he said.他说,在日本成为一个不及中国重要的经济体之际,所有这些都将加强日本日益减弱的实力。

2.Its embassies grow in size and influence, often surpassing those of the United States, whose power around the world seems to be waning.它的大使馆规模和影响力都在扩大,常常超过势力似乎式微的美国的。

3.The company recently reported a quarterly loss from its operations there and said the number of visitors to its stores was waning.沃尔玛前不久表示,在华业务出现季度性亏损,还说光顾其门店的消费者人次正在减少。

4.He said he saw no waning of the hunger for those glamorous names.他说看不出消费者对这些迷人名牌渴望有衰退迹象。

5.Farmers have begun to turn away from organic food production in the face of waning interest from the big supermarkets.随着大超市的兴趣不断减少,农民们还是把注意力转移出了有机农业上。

6.Europe's waning influence in a world no longer owned by the west means that the convergence is as powerful as it has ever been.在这个不再由西方把持的世界,欧洲的影响力日渐减弱,这意味着,上述两种利益空前统一。

7.It was that halcyon hour when the Angelus falls pke a benediction upon the waning day.这时正是一天中静谧时刻,晚祷的钟声如同祝福一般落在垂暮的天空。

8.The case may be an act of desperation by an old guard whose power is waning as EU-inspired changes take hold.这一诉讼案或许是保守势力的绝望之举,随着为加入欧盟所激发的一系列变革深入人心,他们的权力日渐衰微。

9.Economists coined a word "mancession" at the beginning of this year to describe the worldwide phenomenon of a waxing Yin and waning Yang.经济学家在今年早些时候提出了“男性萧条”的概念,认为“阴盛阳衰”正在成为全球化现象。

10.And yet the sun has an influence, but its influence is waning and Voyager is almost at the edge.虽然太阳对那里仍有影响,但它的影响力正在减弱。旅行者号已经接近其影响力范围的边缘。