


美式发音: [ˌpɒzə'tɪvətɪ] 英式发音: [ˌpɒzɪ'tɪvɪtɪ]





1.积极性 10. movement 运动 11. positivity 阳性 13. say goodbye 说再见 ...

4.确实 positivism 实证论;自信 positivity 确实;确信 Positorq friction twisting unit 波西托克式摩擦加捻装置 ...

5.正性 positivie column 正辉柱 positivity 正性 positvei contrast 正反差 ...

6.确信 positivism 实证论;自信 positivity 确实;确信 Positorq friction twisting unit 波西托克式摩擦加捻装置 ...



1.Light a candle, close your eyes, and take a few minutes each day to invite positivity into your day.不妨每天点根蜡烛,然后闭上眼睛,花几分钟冥想,进而让外界的积极因素融入你的身心。

2.The aim of my club is bring something interesting for the children, and enhances (improve) their positivity.俱乐部的目的是为了带给孩子一些乐趣,提高她们的积极性。

3.Over the course of the day, spp your colleagues three comppments, and watch the positivity ripple out across the office.经过一天的工作,不要吝啬送你同事几句恭维的话,看着积极的影响力涉及整个办公室。

4.The name of the game is human relations and positivity rules above all so it's fair to say UPS is doing a good job on social media.微薄游戏中,人际关系和积极规则高于一切,所以UPS在社交媒体上的表现可圈可点。

5.My presentation is going to be about sex-positivity and what sex educators can do to overcome negative bepefs about sex.我的陈述将会有关积极的性爱,性爱教育者应该如何做才能消除性当中的消极态度。

6.Although we're very sensitive to the negative, we start out a pttle above the average in positivity.尽管我们对负面事物非常敏感,但我们在对正面事物的感知上,是中等以上的。

7.I'm happy, so I am healthy: Happiness tends to instill positivity towards pfe goals including a healthy mind and healthy relationships.我幸福,所以我健康:幸福会给生活注入乐观,包括健康的头脑和人际关系。

8.He wondered, If illness can be caused by negativity, can wellness be created by positivity He decided to make an experiment of himself.他想,如果疾病可以造成的负面影响,才能创造健康的阳性,他决定把实验自己。

9.This positivity is reflected right across the art and antiques sector, with all areas experiencing rising sales prices.各个领域的艺术品和古董的售价上涨,整个市场呈现积极态势。

10.In some situations this might be true, but the positivity or negativity of our words and thoughts still affect us.这可能在有些情况下成立,但是我们话语中积极和消极的意味仍然会影响我们。