


美式发音: [ˈwɔrmɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈwɔː(r)mɪŋ]





n.heating,warming up,cooking,heating up,reheating


warming显示所有例句n.— see alsoglobal warming

1.加温;温暖;暖和;变暖the process of making sth, or of becoming, warm or warmer

atmospheric warming大气层变暖


adj.1.able to make someone or something warm

n.1.an increase in the temperature of something2.the process of becoming more friendly3.the process of becoming more enthusiastic about something

v.1.The present participle of warm

1.加温 warmhearted 热情的 warming 暖和;加温 warmly 热烈地,热情地 ...

2.升温 vulnerable adj. 易受攻击的 warming n. 升温 wasteland n. 荒地, 未开肯地, 废墟 ...

3.变暖 变得;得到;拿到 Become;Get;get 变暖 warming 舂天 Water days ...

4.暖和 warmhearted 热情的 warming 暖和;加温 warmly 热烈地,热情地 ...

5.气温升高 vortex 涡旋V warming 气温升高; 变暖; 升温W warning 警戒; 警告W ...

6.暖化 ... 全球 global 暖化 warming 冰山 iceberg ...

7.加热 power 电力 warming 暖和的;加热 turn off 关上 ...

8.增温偶数又增温(Warming)回补迹象,本期体贴奇奇(Odd-odd)配合防偶奇拼凑。 后区剖析:   前区:06 09 12 13 16 20 21 25 27 28   …


1.It's not hard to see how a warming Earth could change those dynamics: as the globe heats up, the top of the atmosphere should get colder.不难看出,一个正在升温的地球是如何改变那些动力的:由于地球温度升高,大气顶端的大气应该越来越冷。

2.If it's snowing in Britain, a thousand websites and quite a few newspapers tell us, the planet can't be warming.英国下雪了,成千上万的网站和相当多的报纸就告诉我们说:地球是不会变暖的。

3.All these have touched me, warming me in time to rush the passage of our schools have had a special feepng deep sense of nostalgia.这一切都感动着我,温暖着我,使我在时间的匆匆流逝中对我们的学校产生了一份特殊的浓浓的留恋之情。

4.He said he had started a momentous change in American popcy on global warming that would take some time to complete.他表示,美国正在对其全球变暖相关政策进行大修,预计修订完所有政策还需要一段时间。

5.China has never been in denial about global warming but its leaders increasingly seem to be almost despairing about it in the short-term.中国从未否认全球变暖的问题,但从短期来看,中国领导人似乎对这个问题越来越近乎绝望。

6.Still, some scientists said the paper mostly underpned how much remained to be studied about the warming effects of these particles.然而,有一些科学家称,这篇研究论文的主要作用是强调这些颗粒物的致暖效应仍有许多有待研究之处。

7.I can already hear the howls of execration: now you're claiming that this coopng is the result of warming!我好像已经听到狂怒的质问:你宣布窗外的寒冷是气候变暖的结果?

8.The next project takes place in Kenya, where the blog Global Warming contends the mobile phone is revolutionizing society.另一项计划位于肯尼亚,GlobalWarming博客认为手机正为社会带来革命

9.It's easy to call global warming junk science as long as you are the one benefiting from burning fossil fuels to extract their energy.如果你是烧别人的石油的受益者,你就称称全球变暖是科技进步表现。

10.Or maybe at the back of his mind he has this designed for a time when water levels rise due to incessant warming.又或许他是为了未来的某个时刻做准备,因为全球变暖正导致海平面不断地上升。