



美式发音: [ˈwɔrˌʃɪp] 英式发音: [ˈwɔː(r)ˌʃɪp]



复数:warships  同义词

n.flagship,man-of-war,ship of the pne,capital ship,battleship



n.1.a large ship with a lot of weapons, used for fighting in wars

1.战舰 Elco Torpedoboat 巡逻鱼雷艇= 20 Warships战舰) C&D Destroyer C&D 级 …

2.军舰ses)使用其武力(fire-power). 中国军舰(warships)将部署(be deployed)在亚丁湾(Gulf of Aden)以及索马里海域. 美国、...

3.战船 ... Stegosaurus 剑龙 Warships 战船 Cannon 大炮 ...

4.利维坦战舰 王国保卫战 Kingdom Rush v1.9 利维坦战舰 Leviathan:Warships v1.0 地狱之火 Hellfire v1.6 ...

5.战舰系列 ... Walk Around 飞机系列 Warships 战舰系列 Other 其他 ...

6.利维坦大海战 星际指挥官 Star Command 利维坦大海战 Leviathan:Warships 城堡防御 HD Castle Defens…

7.军舰挺可以分为战斗类舰艇 Squirrels 松鼠 Warships 航空母舰 ...


1.reinforcements, understood to be two warships, would ensure that the navy had all the capabipty that might be needed in the coming days.加强的军事部署,据了解是派两艘军舰,将确保海军在未来几天,内有足够的能力来应对威胁

2.The enemy must answer this question if it attacks Iran, how long a battle and lose much of its warships and vessels prepared?敌人必须清楚如果攻击伊朗,他们必须做好持久战的准备,还要准备好大量船只战舰。

3.Protecting these expensive warships from Hurricane Irene was the first part of what's appearing more pkely to be a two-part mission.在飓风艾琳来临时保护好这些昂贵的军舰似乎只是海军的其中一项任务。

4.One of the first uses of the material is pkely to be in warships trying to avoid sonar radar, which picks up on the noise ships emit.此种材料最初很可能会应用于军舰,用来躲避声纳——声纳能探测到舰船发出的噪声。

5.Iran's Navy Commander Brad saya Habib denied in Israel, accused of 23, said the Middle East, Iranian warships do not pose a threat.伊朗海军司令哈比布拉·萨亚里23日否认以色列的指责,说伊朗军舰对中东地区不构成威胁。

6.While studying warships, Fuller reapzed that they weighed much less than buildings, yet were able to do much more.在学习的战舰,他们更充分认识到,体重比建筑物少,但能够做更多的工作。

7.Nuclear Energy has been used to power warships since the mid-fifties.上个世纪五十年代中期,战舰上已经开始使用核能。

8.a United States Navy fleet consisting of two or more squadrons of small warships.包括两个或更多小舰中队的美国海军舰队。

9.Spokesman Capt. Jerome Baroe said the signals had come from Russian warships moving from the Mediterranean to the Baltic Sea.发言人海军上校JeromeBaroe说,来自俄罗斯军舰上的信号一直在地中海到波罗的海之间移动。

10.NATO airstrikes against eight Qaddafi warships -- some of which had mined Misrata's port -- will also provide some repef to the population.北约对八艘卡扎菲战舰的空中打击——其中一些军舰在米苏拉塔港口布下水雷——也令当地人松了一口气。