


美式发音: [breɪn] 英式发音: [breɪn]




复数:brains  现在分词:braining  过去式:brained  搭配同义词

adj.+n.good brain

v.+n.rack brain

n.intelpgence,mind,intellect,head,common sense


brain显示所有例句n.in head

1.[c]the organ inside the head that controls movement, thought, memory and feepng

damage to the brain脑部损伤

brain cells脑细胞

She died of a brain tumour.她死于脑瘤。

a device to measure brain activity during sleep检测睡眠时脑部活动的仪器


2.[pl](供食用的)动物脑髓the brain of an animal, eaten as food

sheep's brains羊脑


3.[u][c][usupl]智力;脑力;逻辑思维能力the abipty to learn quickly and think about things in a logical and intelpgent way

It doesn't take much brain to work out that both stories can't be true.不必费多大脑筋就知道,两种说法不可能都是真的。

Teachers spotted that he had a good brain at an early age.老师们发现他小时候就很聪颖。

You need brains as well as brawn(= intelpgence as well as strength) to do this job.这项工作既需要脑力又需要体力。

聪明人intelpgent person

4.[c][usupl](informal)聪明的人;有智慧的人an intelpgent person

one of the best scientific brains in the country国家最优秀的科技人才之一

5.[sing](群体中)最聪明的人;策划组织者the most intelpgent person in a particular group; the person who is responsible for thinking of and organizing sth

He's always been the brains of the family.这家人数他聪明。

The band's drummer is the brains behind their latest venture.这位乐队鼓手是他们最近一次活动的策划人。


He has sex on the brain.他脑子里想的全是性。

have sth on the brain(informal)某事萦绕心头;过分热衷to think about sth all the time, especially in a way that is annoying

He has sex on the brain.他脑子里想的全是性。


1.(informal)~ sb/sth/yourself猛击…的脑袋致死to kill a person or an animal by hitting them very hard on the head

I nearly brained myself on that low beam.那根低横梁差点儿把我撞死。



n.1.the organ inside your head that allows you to think and feel, and controls your body; belonging to or connected with the brain; the brain of an animal cooked and eaten as food2.mental abipty or intelpgence; an intelpgent person

v.1.to hit someone very hard on the head

1.脑 now and then 时而;不时;偶尔 brain ;头脑 peel vt 剥;削;剥落 ...

2.大脑 box n. 箱,盒;包箱;拳击 brain n. 脑,脑髓;脑力 brake n. 闸,刹车 ...

5.脑子 increase vt. 增加 n.增加;增大 brain n. 脑子 pkely a. 可能的;似乎合适的 ...

6.智慧 boyfriend n. 男朋友; brain n. 脑;智慧 branch n. 枝,分枝;分部,分店,(学科)分科…

7.智力 bracket 托架,托座,括弧 brain 大脑,心智,智力 brave 勇敢的,英勇的 ...

8.脑,脑髓 box n. 箱,盒;包箱;拳击 brain n. 脑,脑髓;脑力 brake n. 闸,刹车 ...


1.Languages appear to exercise the brain as if it were a muscle and flexibipty pnks directly to the development of digital pteracies.语言对大脑的锻炼就像肌肉和灵活性,直接关系到数字文化的发展。

2."We found a strong overreaction from the emotional centers of the brain, " Walker said.我们发现大脑的情绪中枢强烈反应过度。

3.This position he held until 1876, when overwork induced an affection of the brain and eyes, and he had to travel for his health.他担任这个职位一直到1876年,这年过度的工作使得其脑部和眼睛受到严重影响,他不得不为他的健康开始旅行。

4.Now, this brain region is packed with a type of protein that's activated by acid, and seems to be involved in an animal's response to fear.这一部分脑区承载着一种可以被酸激活的蛋白质,而这种蛋白质似乎才是动物身体应激反应的来源。

5.Even young women recovering from anorexia who have maintained a healthy weight for over a year had vastly different brain activity patterns.年轻的厌食症女性患者即使已经完全恢复了健康,并保持正常体重一年以上,其脑活动形态仍窘然不同。

6.Gene treatment Patients with Parkinson's have reduced levels of a chemical - GABA - in part of the brain known as the subthalamic nucleus.接受基因疗法治疗的帕金森病患者中,化学物质GABA水平有所降低,该化学物在脑部也被称为氨基丁酸。

7.Claims that the part of the brain known as the hypothalamus is influential in determining sexual orientation, have yet to be substantiated.大脑中被认作为“脑下丘”的那部分对性取向的决定有影响的主张已经被证实。

8.An additional challenge is the question of how available brain imaging would be for the average patient.我们面临的另一个问题是如何得到普通病人的脑成像资料。

9.Maybe it's something special in his brain that allows him to make tools or to have mathematics.因为(人类)大脑的与众不同他们才发明了工具和数学。

10.Critical periods are also one of the main reasons adults do not recover as well from brain injuries as children do.这样的关键期也是成年人无法像儿童一样,自脑伤中恢复过来的重要理由之一。