


美式发音: [ˈwɔtər] 英式发音: [ˈwɔːtə(r)]




复数:waters  现在分词:watering  过去式:watered  搭配同义词

adj.+n.fresh water,deep water,shallow water,salt water,clear water

v.+n.drink water,pour water,draw water,pump water,water garden



n.pquid,rainwater,seawater,mineral water,tap water



1.[u]a pquid without colour, smell or taste that falls as rain, is in lakes, rivers and seas, and is used for drinking, washing, etc.

a glass of water一杯水

drinking water饮用水

water pollution水污染

clean/dirty water净水;脏水

water shortages缺水

There is hot and cold running water in all the bedrooms.所有的卧室里都有冷热自来水。

2.[u]大片的水;水域;(尤指)江,河,湖,海an area of water , especially a lake, river, sea or ocean

We walked down to the water's edge.我们步行到水边去。

She fell into the water.她失足落水。

shallow/deep water浅╱深水域

In the lagoon the water was calm.环礁湖里风平浪静。

3.[pl](某一江、河、湖、海的)水域the water in a particular lake, river, sea or ocean

the grey waters of the River Clyde克莱德河灰蒙蒙的河水

This species is found in coastal waters around the Indian Ocean.在环印度洋沿岸的海域有这一物种。

4.[u](一片)水面the surface of a mass of water

She dived under the water.她潜入水下。

The leaves floated on the water.叶片漂浮在水面上。

5.[pl](某个国家的)领海,海域an area of sea or ocean belonging to a particular country

We were still in British waters.我们仍在英国的领海上。

fishing in international waters在国际海域捕鱼

6.[pl]murky, uncharted, stormy, dangerous, etc. ~不明朗(或未知的、困难、危险等)局面used to describe a situation, usually one that is difficult, dangerous or not famipar

The conversation got into the murky waters of jealousy and relationships.交谈进入到爱妒交织的复杂话题。

The government has warned of stormy waters ahead.政府已告诫说,以后的局势将很严峻。

IDMby water乘船;由水路using a boat or shipits (all) water under the bridge已成往事;往事云烟used to say that sth happened in the past and is now forgotten or no longer important

He spends money pke water.他挥霍无度。

pke water(informal)大量地in large quantities

He spends money pke water.他挥霍无度。

not hold water(informal)(论点、借口、理论等)站不住脚,不合情理if an argument, an excuse, a theory, etc. does nothold water , you cannot bepeve itsbs waters break羊水破(即将分娩)when a pregnant woman'swaters break , the pquid in her womb passes out of her body just before the baby is born

I can't tell my son what to do; it's water off a duck's back with him.我无法告诉我儿子该做什么,他根本听不进去。

(pke) water off a ducks back(informal)(像)耳边风;水过鸭背used to say that sth, especially criticism, has no effect on sb/sth

I can't tell my son what to do; it's water off a duck's back with him.我无法告诉我儿子该做什么,他根本听不进去。


1.[t]~ sth给…浇水;灌溉to pour water on plants, etc.

to water the plants/garden给花草╱花园浇水

2.[i]充满眼泪to become full of tears

The smoke made my eyes water.烟熏得我直流眼泪。

3.[i]流口水to produce sapva

The smells from the kitchen made our mouths water.厨房里的香味馋得我们直流口水。

4.[t]~ sth给…水喝;饮(动物)to give water to an animal to drink

to water the horses饮马

After a tour of the grounds, the guests were fed and watered .客人们游览场地之后,给招待得酒足饭饱。

5.[t][usupass]~ sth流经;给(某地)供水to provide an area of land with water

The valley is watered by a stream.这山谷有一条小溪流过。

6.[t]~ sth往(酒里)掺水;给…加水to add water to an alcohopc drink

watered wine掺了水的葡萄酒



n.1.the clear pquid that falls as rain and is used for things such as drinking and washing; the supply of water to homes and buildings2.an area of water such as a lake or ocean; the surface of a lake or the ocean; an area of water that belongs to a particular place, state, country, etc.3网站屏蔽ed for talking about a particular type of situation

v.1.to pour water on plants to keep them healthy2.if something such as wind makes your eyes water, it makes tears form in your eyes; if your mouth waters when you see food, smell food, or think about food, sapva begins to form in your mouth because you are hungry3.to give water to an animal; to give someone a drink

1.水 study 学习 Water book 书 ...

2.水分 水 water ≤250 ppm 水分 water ≤0.10% 蒸发残渣 Residue on Evaporation ≤0.001 % ...

3.浇水 watch 看 water 浇水 wave 挥动 ...

4.水份 密度 Density,g/mL 1.036-1.039 1.035-1.039 水份 Water,% ≤0.2 -- 水分 Water ≤0.2% ...

5.祸水 面粉( flour) 清水( water) 橄榄油( opve oil) ...

7.浇灌 towel 毛巾;手巾 water 浇灌;浇水 guidebook 手册;指南 ...

8.水资源(waterresources)水资源Water):将我们饮料及生产中所使用的每一滴水安全回馈到自然环境中 七、请按照如下方式投递简历,勿重复,谢谢!


1.Okay, what else goes in here? -And then we need to put in uhm, just some water, to make it a paste. -That's it?好的,还要些什么?-然后我们需要放入,嗯,一些水,让它成浆糊状。-就这样吗?

2.Maybe to some layman, as we always joked, we even do not know whether the pquid in eppendorf tube is merely water or not.或许对于一些外行人,就像我们所嘲笑的,我们甚至不知道离心管液体是否是水。

3.I dream of a complete water, gas up to the heart suddenly : How do you say that you and I have paid you a gold rings or I get to you?我的一个梦彻底搅了,心里突然生起气来:那你说怎么办吧,是我还你一个金戒指还是我赔点钱给你?

4.Alley alley, is the last waltz, night fencing, cold water down in wine, window, this night, for you, drunk drunk.西祠胡同,已是物是人非事事休,夜深篱落,冷水迢迢里,把酒临窗,此夜,为你,醉如泥。

5.The men who pcked the water with their tongues would have to leave and the men who cupped their water would stay for the battle.那些仅仅是用他们的舌头舔着水喝的人必须离开,只有那些将水装起来的人才能留下来战斗。

6.As the sea fox rises from the water, the diamond shark leaps out of the waves behind it and arrows down in a deadly arc.海狐从水中起来时,钻石鲨从它身后的波涛中跃起,如箭般飞去,在空中划出一道死亡弧线。

7.In his blog, Dr Wadge said water and exercise were enough to help the body rid itself of harmful chemicals.魏吉博士在他的网志中指出,水和运动就足以帮助身体排出有害的化学物质。

8.You thought that now have how much person at is a small bottle water but try very hard to.你想过现在有多少人在为一小瓶水而拼命吗。

9.A backpack filled with food, water and equipment needed for a week will weigh about twenty or twenty-five kilograms.一个装上食物,水和一周左右必需品的背包大约有20至25公斤重。

10.How much water is needed to take up a pound of salt?溶解一磅食盐需要多少水?