


美式发音: [ˈblækˌberi] 英式发音: [ˈblækbəri]







1.黑莓(浆果);黑莓(有刺灌木)a small soft black fruit that grows on a bush with thorns in gardens/yards or in the countryside. The bush is also called a blackberry/bramble .

blackberry and apple pie黑莓苹果馅饼



n.1.a small soft dark fruit that grows on a bush called a blackberry bush or bramble

1.黑莓黑莓BlackBerry)9788 3G手机(黑色)TD-SCDMA/GSM您好!

2.黑莓机黑莓机 (blackBerry)制造商RIM (US-RIMM)第4季出货量成长大约40%,受北美以外地区的推动。诺基亚因为推出新型触控式手 …

3.黑莓手机黑莓手机blackberry)开发环境的安装和配置入门你可能也喜欢 评论 #Java 坝上草原四季风光摄影—壮观大气与灵动的光影 …

4.黑莓公司黑莓公司(BlackBerry)CEO托斯腾·海因斯(Thorsten Heins)周二在BlackBerry Live 2013[详细]网曝一架小型飞机沈阳坠毁 浓烟滚 …

5.黑霉黑霉blackberry )个人认为智能手机里面最好的了,国外比较流行,现在国内能买到水版, 比较便宜,但买的时候要注意品 …

6.黑梅同问黑梅(blackberry)手机扩展功能怎么样? 提问者采纳 2007-07-30 20:54 鲜shit | 分类:电子数码 比如存储卡种类啊,USB接口 …

7.黑苺机生产黑苺机BlackBerry)的加拿大行动研究公司(Research In Motion,RIM)23日宣布海恩斯(Thorsten Heins)接任新执行 …


1.It fills out on the palate, striking a fine balance between blackberry and bilberry fruit and leaving an impression of lush fullness.入口柔顺而圆润,香味四溢,黑莓和越桔香味之间的均衡极佳,极其饱满。

2.Devices pke Blackberry have been used by IT departments in their office software for a while.其实,一些IT部门中的人已经在黑莓这样的移动设备上使用办公软件有一段时间了。

3.BlackBerry addicts may not be able to get their fix the next time they visit the United Arab Emirates.黑莓迷们在下次造访阿联酋的时候可能无法再使用他们的手机了。

4.Steyer said he constantly feels the tug of waiting messages on his BlackBerry, even during morning hours that are reserved for family time.施泰尔说他总是感到等黑草莓上的信息很费神,甚至在留给家人的清晨时间。

5.A redesigned pop-up menu makes it easy to share photos via email, text message, BlackBerry Messenger, or various social networks.通过一个经过了重新编排的弹出式菜单,你可以很便捷地通过电邮、短信、黑莓信使以及各种社交网络来分享照片。

6.She could tell you to the week when the first dogwood blossom would brighten the ridge, the first blackberry darken enough to harvest.她能告诉你第一支山茱萸花开,点亮山脊是在哪个礼拜,还有黑莓什么时候可以采摘。

7.In a market nowadays dominated by Google's Android, Apple's iOS, and BlackBerry OS, it's pretty easy to overlook Nokia.在如今这个由谷歌的Android、苹果(Apple)的iOS,以及黑莓(BlackBerry)操作系统主宰的市场中,诺基亚很容易被忽略。

8.It has been a few years since I first seethed at someone checking his BlackBerry messages while talking to me.几年前,如果有人一边和我说话一边在黑莓(BlackBerry)上查看邮件,我会感到怒火中烧。

9.The trackball, which feels similar to that of the G1 and Blackberry phones, provides another quick way to get around the Web OS interface.轨迹球的使用感觉和G1及黑莓手机差不多,提供了另外一种快速操作方式。

10.I am now reduced to using my own BlackBerry to remind those sitting across the table with me that I wouldn't mind a pttle conversation.如今,逼得我用自己的黑莓手机,来提醒坐在我对面的那位,本人并不在意说会儿话。