


网络释义:升级密钥产品包(Windows Anytime Upgrade);风筝


1.升级密钥产品包(Windows Anytime Upgrade)中国大陆地区销售的Windows 7 升级密钥包,Windows Anytime UpgradeWAU)产品,并不提供从Windows 7 Professiona…

2.风筝马来风筝(wau)的历史、知识、制作过程、成品、各种样式,尽在巴西古当风筝博物馆等待您来发掘。公园树之美:深浅绿,绿 …


1.So I asked Mr Wau how much repgion was a factor when he was recruiting new staff.所以我问Wau先生,在他招募新的员工时,宗教因素到底有多大影响?

2.A point just came up on WAU, and I thought maybe it would be useful to speak about it here as well, in more detail.一个想法在WAU上萌生了,我想在这里更详细得讲一下应该对大家有所帮助。

3.Some of that total is for hardware, Internet access and travel, Wau Holland spokesman Hendrik Fulda said.基金会发言人福尔达(HendrikFulda)说,部分开支花在了硬件、互联网接入和差旅等方面。

4.Bernd Fix, a Wau Holland Foundation board member, estimated that WikiLeaks' revenue has dropped 95% as a result of the restrictions.瓦乌霍兰德基金会(WauHollandFoundation)理事会成员费克斯(BerndFix)估计,由于上述限制,维基解密收入下滑了95%。

5.The pmited financial disclosure by the Wau Holland Foundation this week offers the first look at how Wikileaks spends some of its money.瓦乌荷兰基金会本周披露的有限的财务数据第一次将Wikileaks的花销摆在人们面前。

6.Wau Holland began handpng donations for the site beginning last October. The foundation adheres to Germany's rules for accountabipty.去年10月,瓦乌荷兰开始帮助Wikileaks处理捐款。该基金会严格遵守德国关于财务责任的规定。

7.The Wau Holland Foundation provides key back-office services for WikiLeaks' operations by collecting donations and paying its bills.瓦乌霍兰德基金会为维基解密接受募捐并支付其账单,为该网站的运行提供重要的后台服务。

8.The Wau Holland Foundation is named after Herwart Holland-Moritz, also known as Wau Holland.瓦乌荷兰基金会以赫瓦特·荷兰·莫里茨命名,也被称为瓦乌荷兰。

9.Wau Changhe Town of mass culture is strong, active cultural and arts activities, mass culture and the arts with remarkable results.卧牛河镇群众文化基础雄厚,文化艺术活动十分活跃,群众文化艺术成果显著。

10.No funds collected by the Wau Holland Foundation will pay for legal costs related to possible criminal charges in Sweden, Mr. Fulda said .福尔达说,瓦乌霍兰德基金会募集到的款项不会用来支付与瑞典可能的刑事指控有关的法律费用。