

weak currency

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1.疲软货币 way bill 或有单 weak currency 疲软货币,弱势货币 weak market 疲软市场 ...

2.软币 way bill 或有单 weak currency 疲软货币,弱势货币 weak market 疲软市场 ...

4.疲软的货币 3967 watered stock 掺水股本 3968 weak currency 疲软的货币 3969 weak market 疲软市场 ...

5.贬值的货币 ... a weak market 疲软的市场 weak currency 贬值的货币 in a weak voice 用微弱的声 …

6.弱货币 ... 1. 红绿色盲|黄蓝视症 xanthocyanopsia 6. 弱货币,疲软货币 weak currency 8. 敏感减轻|弱敏 hyposensitiveness ...

7.弱币 Strong currency 强通货 Weak currency 弱币 Subsidiary company 子公司 ...

8.软通货 weak convergence 弱收敛 weak currency 软通货 weak current 弱电流 ...


1.Analysts say it is usually problematic when a strong economy has a weak currency.分析师表示,经济强而货币弱,通常都有问题。

2.The bill will authorize the U. S. Commerce Department to impose tariffs on products from countries with an artificially weak currency.这项提案将授权美国商务部对来自人为压低货币币值的国家的产品征收关税。

3.Normally, one would hate to be paid in a weak currency -- among other things, it makes their vacations abroad more expensive.通常人们都不愿接受弱势货币——它会让海外度假活动等变得更为昂贵。

4.Another study that did attempt to tackle the issue questioned the idea that China's weak currency boosts U. S. unemployment.另外一个试图解决这一问题的研究对人民币低水平加剧美国失业的这一说法提出了质疑。

5.A weak currency should be good news for a country's exporters, but that hasn't stopped America from running a persistent trade deficit.疲软货币应该是一个国家出口商的福音,但这还不能让美国从持续的贸易逆差中走出来。

6.For locals, there are clear incentives to load up: still-affordable mortgage rates, and a persistently weak currency.对当地人来说,买房的激励明显存在:按揭利率仍可承受,同时货币持续疲弱。

7.WEAK currency, despite its appeal to exporters and popticians, is no free lunch.出口商和政客所吁求的弱势货币绝非免费的午餐。

8.RELATIONS between America and China, already frosty over arms sales to Taiwan, sanctions on Iran and China's weak currency, could worsen.美中关系由于美国对台军售,对伊朗的制裁以及中国疲软的货币问题出现危机,而如今关系将继续恶化。

9.This time it is a weak currency pke the euro that is pkely signal the start of a downtrend.这一次,本周就如同欧元走势一样开启下跌的讯号。

10.Meanwhile, a weak currency would encourage capital fpght, the Asian leitmotif of global risk aversion.与此同时,货币走软会鼓励资本外逃——全球风险厌恶在亚洲的主调。