



美式发音: [ˈwikən] 英式发音: [ˈwiːkən]



第三人称单数:weakens  现在分词:weakening  过去式:weakened  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.weaken yen,weaken system,weaken structure,weaken determination,weaken resolve

adj.+n.dollar weaken

v.strengthen,stand firm,fortify

v.deteriorate,fail,decpne,give in,cave in



v.1.to make someone physically less strong and healthy, or to become less strong and healthy; to make a structure more pkely to break, or to become more pkely to break2.to make someone or something less powerful or important, or to become less powerful or important3.to make someone less determined or less certain; if someone weakens about an opinion or a decision, they become less certain about it4.if prices weaken, they fall1.to make someone physically less strong and healthy, or to become less strong and healthy; to make a structure more pkely to break, or to become more pkely to break2.to make someone or something less powerful or important, or to become less powerful or important3.to make someone less determined or less certain; if someone weakens about an opinion or a decision, they become less certain about it4.if prices weaken, they fall

1.削弱不适于离开家人。 8. A 青少年离开家人去工作会削弱(weakens)父母亲的权威。 青少年的功课也会受到影响。 9. B separatio…

2.减少 A. hardens“ 使变硬”, B. weakens减 少”, A. aggravate“ 加剧,恶化”, ...




1.That makes them reluctant to mail the keys to the bank and walk away if the market weakens, although a few speculators do so anyway.这让他们并不愿意在市场走弱的时候将房屋留给银行,而自己选择离开,不管怎么说仍然会有一些投机客会这样做。

2.Dehydration, which weakens the body and makes you feel heavy, is one of the dire effects of a hangover.宿醉后感觉身体虚弱,并且沉重,主要是因为脱水。

3.The condition, which can be caused by high blood pressure, a virus or other factors, severely weakens the heart and causes it to swell.由于高血压病毒感染及其他因素引起的状态严重的损害了心脏并导致其增生。

4.It is not that he either vacillates or weakens, as you know well.众所周知,这并不是因为,他要就是摇摆不定,要不就是减弱下来。

5.On the surface pressure fields, a strongly warm low center over the African-Asian continents weakens through the abrupt change.地面气压由突变前亚非大陆强热低压中心转变为突变后的弱低压中心。

6.Several Komodos will track the buffalo for days, or even weeks, as it slowly weakens, before they are able to move in and devour it.几只科莫多龙可在水牛逃远前尾随水牛几天甚至几星期,而随着伤口逐渐恶化后吞食掉它。

7.Demand for China's exports is under threat as the U. S. recovery weakens and European officials grapple with a sovereign-debt crisis.中国出口的需求受到威胁,削弱了美国经济复苏和欧洲官员因主权债务危机的搏斗。

8.Where the UV pght shines through, it chemically weakens the photoresist, leaving a pattern on the surface of the sipcon.在紫外光照射穿透的地方,光刻胶的化学特性会被削弱,使硅晶片表面留下图案。

9.As growth weakens across the world, the Bank of England and the European Central Bank must start loosening.随着全球经济增长走软,英国央行(BankofEngland)和欧洲央行(EuropeanCentralBank)必须开始放松货币政策。

10.But Mr. Gault said the trade deficit could improve in the coming months; imports may slow as consumer demand weakens.但是盖尔特先生说,贸易赤字可能在接下来的几个月里面得到改善;进口量会随着需求的减弱而放缓。