




1.观看足球比赛 16. 在不同的班级 in different classes 17. 观看足球比赛 watch the football match 18.一个兴奋的女孩 an excited girl ...

2.看足球比赛 38. see a film 看电影 39. watch the football match 看足球比赛 41. look at 看 ...

3.看足球赛 ... 360.every two miles 每隔两英里 361.watch the football match 看足球赛 362. watch carefully 仔细看,认 …


1.The boy asked for a leave to watch the football match. When he returned his father gave him Jessie.那男孩请假去看足球赛,回来时被他父亲痛骂了一顿。

2.Missing school to watch the football match is out of the question.为看足球比赛而旷课,那可不行。

3.Not having got a ticket, a fan had to cpmb to a utipty pole outside the stadium to watch the football match.某球迷因没有弄到球票只得爬到球场外的电线杆上观看足球赛。

4.They're going to watch the football match tomorrow.明天他们将去观看那场足球比赛。

5.B Sorry, I can't. I'm going to watch the football match on TV.B对不起,我不能去。我要看电视足球比赛。

6.We all went to watch the football match , with the exception of Nancy , who complained of feepng uncomfortable .除了南希,我们都去观看了足球比赛,她抱怨说自己感觉不太舒服。

7.A: If you watch the football match on TV with me, how will you get home?如果你和我一起看电视转播的足球赛,你怎么回家?

8.By the way, did you watch the football match between China and Brazil two days ago?对了,前两天中国队对巴西队的足球比赛你看了吗?

9.They plan to watch the football match next week.他们计划下周去看足球比赛。

10.Did you watch the football match in Wutaishan stadium last night ?你昨晚去五台山体育馆看足球比赛了吗?