




1.即时天气 钻石狂热: Diamonds Mania 即时天气: Weather Now º 电吉他历史: Electric Guitar History ...

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1.today is the day for song writing. . . weird, I lost my voice due to a cold in such a hot weather? now I sound pke Shrek! ! !今天是写歌的日子…奇怪,我感冒没声音都不能讲话,在这麽热的天气也会感冒…现在我讲话听起来像史瑞克一样!

2.Farmers and gardeners have long used greenhouses to extend the growing season in cold weather. Now, hoop houses are gaining popularity.长期以来,农民和园艺工作者已经在冬季使用温室来延长生长季。

3.Hello, good morning. as we did not fix the problem in time because of the bad weather. Now we will arrange staff rushing to repair it.您好,因为昨天天气情况或没有及时处理,我们现在马上安排工作人员去抢修。

4.Every turn to weather now cool pharynx ministry is scratchy cough.现在每到天气转凉便咽部发痒咳嗽。

5.Let's take a check of the weather now.让我们看一下现在的天气。

6.We've had some fine weather - now's the time to build.现在天气晴好,是建造您家园的大好时光!