




1.天气模式 ... Energy trading 能源交易 Weather patterns 气象模式 How to forecast the forecasters 怎样预报预报员 ...


1.Weather patterns continued to blow the ash towards the United Kingdom, that country's Meteorological Office reports.英国气象局报道说,气候模式将持续地把火山灰吹向英国。

2.Many in the scientific community are beginning to awaken to the now blatant "oddities" in ocean temperatures and weather patterns.在科学界已有很多人开始意识到我们星球的海洋温度的不寻常变化和气候的变迁。

3.The effects of such a shift in weather patterns would be felt across Southeast Asia.整个东南亚地区都会感受到这种气候变化的影响。

4.The phenomenon influences the positioning of the jet stream. And that, in turn, affects weather patterns around the globe.这一现象影响了海洋上空急流风的分布,从而影响了全球气候。

5."Daily Post" article said that this wide range of cold weather is integrated by a series of changing weather patterns formed.《每日邮报》文章称,这种大范围严寒天气是由一系列气候模式变化综合形成的。

6.they knew when to leave if a disaster was about to strike due to earth movement or difficult weather patterns.如果由于地壳运动或糟糕的天气状况导致灾难即将来临的话,人类也知道何时离开。

7.Weather patterns in North Korea, for instance, have been marked since the mid-1990s by a succession of droughts, followed by floods.例如,北朝鲜的天气模式自从20世纪90年代以来曾以一系列干旱以及随之而来的洪水为标志。结果曾是整个农业系统的破坏。

8.That means you can track weather patterns, storms (including scary ones pke hurricanes), and watch them as they move across the map.这意味着你可以通过在地图上移动,跟踪天气情况和暴风雨(包括可怕的飓风)情况。

9.As for what's to come, current weather patterns are poised to pnger for a while longer.至于未来天气会变成什么样,现在天气将持续相当长的一段时间。

10.We need urgent measures to help deal with the increasingly variable weather patterns.我们需要紧急多变测量,以协助处理越来越多的易变天气模式。