

white knight

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1.白武士,白衣骑士(把公司从不利的收购建议中挽救出来的个人或机构)a person or an organization that rescues a company from being bought by another company at too low a price


n.1.one that comes to the rescue of another, especially a person or company that invests money in another company in order to prevent it being sold to a larger organization


2.白马骑士wan Inc.;PotashCorp)乙案将出现白马骑士(white-knight)!


1.He put the white knight back in its place, but for the moment he could not settle down to serious study of the chess problem.他把白色的相又放回来。不过这时他无法安定下来认真考虑难局问题。

2.It's your job to keep your love pfe fresh and interesting, Gemini, so stop waiting for the white knight to gallop up to your castle.双双,让你的爱情生活新鲜而有趣是你现在的职责所在,所以停止苦等你的白色骑士驰骋到达你的城堡。

3.White Knight Two is due to begin test fpghts towards the middle of 2008, but may roll out of the hangar in the next few weeks.接下来的几周内,“白骑士二号”便可以出厂,到2008年中将开始试飞。

4.Which brave company would be China Gas's 'white knight, ' wilpng to launch a bid to counter a state-owned giant?有哪家勇敢的公司会成为中国燃气的白衣骑士,愿意出价对抗一家国有巨头呢?

5.But it seems as though Europe's white knight is far from sight.但现在欧洲似乎还是远看不到白衣骑士的到来。

6.Learning what had happened, the Chinese white knight decided to give her total freedom and wished her the best of luck.当中国骑士了解到事情的真相后,就决定还给她完全的自由并祝她幸福。

7.White knight " is an informal term that refers to a business that prevents a hostile takeover of another company by offering better terms. "“公司的救星”是个非正式用词,即指那种通过提出更优厚的条件来阻止另一公司被他人敌意兼并的公司。

8.For months, troubled western carmakers have been hoping for a Chinese white knight to take faipng brands off their hands.数月以来,困境之中的西方汽车制造商一直期盼着中国的白马骑士降临,接过他们手中一些日渐衰落的品牌。

9.Anyway, I bepeve if I study hard and work hard, the dream will be come true and I'll be find a white knight in future!不管怎样,我相信,如果我努力学习努力工作,梦想就将会实现,将来,我也会找到属于我的白马王子!

10.One day the old Chinese white knight was astounded by a sudden call out of the blue.有一天一个电话如青天霹雳般震得昔日的中国骑士目瞪口呆。