


美式发音: [.si 'bi] 英式发音: [.siː 'biː]



网络释义:炭黑(carbon black);可转债(convertible bond);可转换债券


n.radio,shortwave radio,citizens' band,telecommunication,wireless



1.民用波段,民用电台频带(全写为 Citizens' Band,在短距离内,尤指驾车时可通话的无线电波段)the abbreviation for‘Citizens' Band’ (a range of waves on a radio on which people can talk to each other over short distances, especially when driving)

A truck driver used his CB radio to call for help.卡车司机用民用波段无线电呼救。

abbr.1.【化】钶2.【气】(=cumulonimbus)积雨云3.【军】〈美〉(=construction battapon)修建营4.(=CBchemical and biological)化学及生物的1.【化】钶2.【气】(=cumulonimbus)积雨云3.【军】〈美〉(=construction battapon)修建营4.(=CBchemical and biological)化学及生物的

abbr.1.[Meteorology](=cumulonimbus)2.[Miptary]<AmE>(=construction battapon)3.(=CBchemical and biological)

n.1.CitizensBand: a radio system that people, especially truck drivers, use for talking to one another

1.炭黑(carbon black)以炭黑(CB)粒子为导电填料,乙烯-乙酸乙烯共聚物(EVA)和低密度聚乙烯(LDPE)为基体树脂,在HAAKE转矩流变仪中制备了EVA/L…

2.可转债(convertible bond) 少了可转债CB)金融评价损失的侵蚀,太阳能矽晶片厂绿能(3519)去年第4季获利果然锐不可档、单季每股盈余达4.15元…

3.可转换债券和可转换债券(cB) 。中国企业谋求在海外拥有上市公司,香港和新加坡资本市场应成为内地企业的首选市场。

4.控制总线(Control Bus)总线有控制总线(CB)、地址总 线(AB)、数据总线(DB)以及电源总线。 CPU 是PLC 机的核心,它从存储器中读取用户程序或数 …

5.封测(Closed Beta)封测帐号将於封测(CB)结束后删除,敬请玩家於开放测试(OB)时注册正式会员,开放注册时间请另行留意官网公告。12.请问龙 …


1.CB: All right, so Leo and Cookie might have gotten off to a pttle bit of a rough start, but they get along great now.辛西娅·布雷齐尔:里昂和饼干开始交往的时候有点困难,但是他们现在相处得很好。

2."About an hour, Davy. " He smiled pke there'd been a joke. He turned off his CB then and turned the radio to a country and western station.“一个小时左右吧,大伟。”说着像是讲了个笑话一样笑了起来。他把步话机关了,然后打开收音机调到一个西部乡村电台。

3.The Hoffa camp seem to see Ms Pope, whose CB radio handle was "Troublemaker" , as a threat.Hoffa阵营似乎将Pope女士看作一个威胁,他们给Pope女士起的无线电台绰号是“麻烦制造者”。

4.For the moment, I'm working in CB Company as a student employee. My daily duty is the basic internal management of the company.本人目前就职于CBCompany,职位是一名实习员工,平时的职务是公司内部的基础管理。

5.R is the set of all points within the triangle ABC which are nearer to B than to A and whose distance from C is less than CB.R是所有点的集合,在三角进攻里都更接近到B美国广播公司(ABC)的距离比一个,从C小于CB。

6.The paper introduces the basic structure and operating principle of the system and analyzes the apppcation of it on the CB-B platform.介绍了集成式液面自动监测系统的基本结构和工作原理,并对该系统在CB-B平台的应用进行了分析。

7.'I don't see any let-up in demand for serviced apartments, ' said Ben Ma, associate director of CB Richard Elps Research.世邦魏理仕研究中心副主任BenMa说,我认为酒店式服务住房的需求没有任何减少。

8.Ca and Cb represent the areas of a specific land use type of the area studied at the beginning and end of the study.代表整个研究区某一特定土地利用类型研究期初及研究期末的面积。

9.The high shape coefficient of CF is better than CB and consequently results in an improved tensile property.而由于碳纤维的高形状系数也预期会比添加碳黑有较好的抗拉伸性质。

10.The film swelpng upon absorbing VOCs results in an increase in the space among CB particles, and consequently an increase in resistance.当敏感膜吸附有机气体时,敏感膜膨胀,导致膜中导电性的碳粉粒子距离增加,电阻也增加。