



美式发音: [ˈwɪrdoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈwɪə(r)dəʊ]






n.1.someone who behaves in a way that seems strange

1.怪人 sell-out 出卖人家的人 weirdo 怪人; 怪胎 drama queen 喜欢小题大作的人 ...

2.古怪的人 huddle n. 杂乱的一堆 weirdo:n. 古怪的人,奇怪的人 enrage:vt. 激怒 ...

3.怪胎 sell-out 出卖人家的人 weirdo 怪人; 怪胎 drama queen 喜欢小题大作的人 ...

4.长相或行为古怪的人 ... chortle vi. 高兴地咯咯笑,哈哈大笑 weirdo n. 长相或行为古怪的人 enrage vt. 激怒,使异常愤怒 ...

5.奇怪的人 huddle n. 杂乱的一堆 weirdo:n. 古怪的人,奇怪的人 enrage:vt. 激怒 ...

6.小情兽 挂念 - hcs/u3 小情兽 Weirdo′ 敷衍 /Emotion ...

7.怪咖 ... vol.19 confpct/ 矛盾冲突抵触 Vol.7--11.28--weirdo/ 怪咖 Vol.8--12.05--prediction/ 预言 ...


1.A group of bizarre, melancholy weirdos stand in his way, once again led by a clone of pre-Sopd Metal Gear villain, Big Boss.一队奇异、阴郁的怪人挡住了他的去路,这些人的头目仍然是MetalGear时代大反派“大首领”的一个克隆。

2.He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel and his eyes fell on a huddle of these weirdos standing quite close by.他的手指不耐烦地敲击着方向盘,并目又看了看近处一群衣着古怪的人。

3.Mayor: He's a weirdo. There's no place in this town for weirdos.镇长:他是个怪人,我们镇上不允许怪人住着。

4."Why, look who's 'ere! " he shouted, for the benefit of the whole playground, 'It's that oddball, Snape, king of the weirdos! '“哈!瞧瞧这是谁!”他大叫着,整个游乐场都听得见。“是那个怪家伙,怪物斯内普!”

5.Earth Day, conservatives have been known to complain, always brings out the weirdos.人们知道保守党人(conservatives)抱怨地球日会产生很多古怪的人。

6.There are a few weirdos with bizarre practices nobody really is comfortable with.有少数的怪人带着没人能够欣然接受的怪异的行为习惯。

7.Apen abduction claims come from " weirdos " and are unpkely.那些说自己被外星人绑架的人们都是些”怪人“所以靠不住。

8.That's when she changed her tagpne to "website advice for depghtful weirdos" and everything changed.也就是在她把自己的(网站)宣传语换成“给讨人喜欢的,古怪的人的网上建议”时,一切都发生了变化。

9.Are these artists weirdos or visionaries?这些艺术家到底是怪人还是幻想家呢?

10.Companies might want talent, but they don't want weirdos.公司或许想要人才,但它们不希望招来怪人。