




1.省钱 writing paper 稿纸 3. save money 存钱 , 省钱 4. take the elevator 乘电梯 5. ...

2.存钱 writing paper 稿纸 3. save money 存钱 , 省钱 4. take the elevator 乘电梯 5. ...

3.攒钱 “费钱” cost money, “攒钱save money, “浪费钱” waste money, ...

4.节省钱 514. rush out 冲出去 516. save money 节省钱 518. send away 开除,解雇 ...

5.节省开支 3. 开支明细 Expenditure 4. 节省开支 Save Money 1. 接电话 Answer the Phone ...

6.节约钱 37.save sb 救人 38.save money 节约钱 39.in hospital 住院 ...

7.节省金钱 Save time 节省时间 Save money 节省金钱 Save space 节省空间 ...

8.节省费用4、节省费用save money):l 延长织物35%的寿命 l 延长涉水电器50%的寿命 l 精简60%香波、洗发水等洗涤剂 l 管道维修费 …


1.Fly to one of these and you could save money, as well as have more options for travel dates.往其中一个机场飞行,你可以省下一笔钱,同时你有更多的选择旅行日期。

2.After years of going to my friendly bathhouse I have recently purchased a membership, to save money since I go three times a week.在我多年去到那个友好的浴室之后,最近我购买了会员,因为我每周要去三次这样能够节省很多钱。

3.John had his sods education in view when he began to save money.约翰省钱的目的是为使他的儿子受教育。

4.This enables you to save money by buying in bulk without shorting the length of your update plan.这使您购买组合许可来省钱的同时又不会缩短升级计划期,

5.Go grocery shopping once a week. You'll save money and time if you make the effort to plan for a week and to shop for it all at once.一周去一次杂货店。在去购物前如果你能列出计划,在购物时一次买清将为你节省时间和钱。

6.I see. I'll buy the endowment popcy, for it enables me to save money for my own old age and provide money for my husband if I die.我明白了,我要买养老保险,因为它使我老年有钱花,我死后,我丈夫也会有钱花。

7.If you want to save money, how much money do you want in the bank by the end of the year?如果你想省钱,你希望到底年底银行里能有多少钱?

8.'How much of a contraction in demand will we have because if people want to have something they'll have to save money before they buy? '如果因为人们需要攒钱才能购买他们想要的东西,我们的需求将面临多大的萎缩呢?

9.Eaglen agreed that personnel cuts are pkely - and, she said, the wrong way to save money.易格拉认为,裁军是有可能的——她还说,这是节省经费的错误做法。

10.It is not always possible to take a call due to some tariff constrains or the caller may be expecting a call back from you to save money.它并不总是能采取一个电话,由于一些关税限制或来电者可能期望从你回电话省钱。