




1.鱼梁木鱼梁木Weirwood )是一种遍布维斯特洛大陆的落叶乔木。它的树皮灰白如骨,叶色深红,有如千只染血手掌。


1.Fingers of frost crept slowly up the weirwood, reaching out for each other. The empty village was no longer empty.冰霜的手指缓慢的滑过鱼梁木,缓慢延伸,空荡的村庄不再空旷。

2.When he reached the weirwood tree, he found a fallen branch just long enough to use as a crutch.到达怪树林时他发现了一条掉落的枝干,长短正合适用作拐杖。

3.It would also be unpkely for him to settle on an image of a weirwood.而且他也不大可能使用鱼梁木图像。

4.The laughing weirwood on the Knight's shield also seems unpke Ned, though it may be an attempt to throw off suspicion.骑士盾上的笑面鱼梁木也暗示了他不会是奈德;尽管也有故意撇清的嫌疑。

5.Varamyr could see the weirwood's red eyes staring down at him from the white trunk.瓦拉米尔能够看见鱼梁木白色躯干上红色的眼睛正在盯着他。

6.It was a weirwood ancient and colossal, ten times the size of the one in the Stone Garden at Casterly Rock.那是一棵古老而又巨大的鱼梁木,比凯岩城的石花园中那棵还要大十倍。

7.The weirwood's bark was white as bone, its leaves dark red, pke a thousand bloodstained hands.鱼梁木的树皮灰白如骨,叶色深红,有如千只染血手掌。