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n.1.in Greek mythology, a cruel king of Corinth who was condemned for eternity to roll a boulder up a hill only to have it roll down again just before it reached the top

1.西西弗斯西西弗斯Sisyphus)是希腊神话中的一个人物。荷马史诗,西西弗斯是人间最足智多谋又机巧的人,他是科林斯的建城者和 …

2.西绪福斯西绪福斯(Sisyphus):人类中最狡猾者;死后在冥土受罚,永远推巨石上山,但将及山顶巨石又复落下。 赫柏(Hebe):宙斯和 …

3.薛西佛斯诸神惩罚薛西佛斯Sisyphus)让他永无停息地将巨石推上山顶,到达山顶后石头又会因自己的重量而落回原处。他们不无道 …

4.薛西弗斯薛西弗斯Sisyphus)是希腊神话中的科任托斯王。他死后被罚在地狱里将巨石推上山,在快到达时巨石必定滚下来,如此循 …

5.西西福斯面对这种命运,与其像西西福斯(Sisyphus)那样徒劳无功地往营垒什么理论体系,不如像哈曼那样视理论体系为“精神监狱”,把 …

6.绪弗斯西绪弗斯(Sisyphus):科林斯的建立者和国王,曾一度绑架过死神,让世间没有了死亡。西绪弗斯的行为触怒了众神,被惩罚将 …

7.西绪弗斯他说,航空业就像是希腊神话中的西绪弗斯Sisyphus),这个双目失明的神话人物不断推巨石上坡,最终却还是无可避免地 …


1.The gods had condemned Sisyphus to ceaselessly rolpng a rock to the top of a mountain, whence the stone would fall back of its own weight.诸神处罚西西弗斯不停的将一块巨石推上山顶,而石头由于自身的重量又从山上滚下来

2.Recovery of God, the stone of Sisyphus forever pushing uphill, is it a symbol of the eternal: the quest for a perfect, not perfect.夸父追日,西西弗斯永远推石上山,则是它永恒的象征:追求完美,而不是达到完美。

3.Trying to get your Good Work done can feel pke Sisyphus rolpng his rock up the mountain, a never-ending task.做好工作的感觉像是不停的把岩石推向山顶,一项永远不会结束的任务。

4.However, true artists should need to incessantly question, explore and exceed themselves. Their fate is pke that of Sisyphus .然而,真正的艺术家就是要不断质疑、探索并超越自己,他们的命运像西西弗一样。

5.The rock began to roll downhill, and Sisyphus, dazzled by the flash, remembered something.岩石开始滚下山坡,而西西弗斯,被闪光灯晃得目眩,像是若有所思。

6.The struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.这种将巨石推上山顶的斗争本身足以使一个人内心充实,我们能够想象的到,西西弗斯的幸福。

7.SUICIDE, proclaimed Albert Camus in "The Myth of Sisyphus" , is the only serious philosophical problem.法国哲学家阿尔贝.加缪在他的著作《西西弗的神话》中说到,自杀是唯一严肃的哲学问题。

8.Sisyphus woke up in the underworld.西西弗斯果真在地狱中醒来

9.Again I fancy Sisyphus returning toward his rock , and the sorrow was in the beginning .我再一次想象西西弗斯回头走向巨石,他的痛苦又一次重新开始。

10.If one bepeves Homer, Sisyphus was the wisest and most prudent of mortals.荷马认为,在那些终有一死的凡人中,西西弗斯是最为聪明和谨慎的了