




1.富国银行富国银行WELLSFARGO)创立于1852年,是美国第五大银行,是一家提供全能服务的银行,在为农业相关客户和小额贷款 …

2.美国富国银行  美国富国银行(WellsFargo)公布,第四季获利增长24%至纪录高位,因该行坏帐拨备减少,且抵押贷款业务费用收入增加近30%,至3…

3.富国银止  富国银止(WellsFargo)(WFC)再次增持,不中这一点正在财报披露之后曾经晓得。这次披露截至2011年3月31日持股跨越3.589 …

4.好国富国银行集团  好国富国银行集团WellsFargo)  管道运输:2009年,好国输油管道总长24.46万千米,自然气管道总长54.87万千米。


1."I'd pke to see if this is just a one-month bounce or an actual trend, " said Adam York, at Wells Fargo.富国银行(WellsFargo)的亚当•约克(AdamYork)表示:“我想看看这是否只是一个月的反弹,还是真正的趋势。”

2.Buffett also said that Berkshire had increased its holdings in a leading US bank, Wells Fargo, but did not give details.巴菲特还表示,伯克希尔增持了一家领先的美国银行,富国银行(WellsFargo),但没有透露详细情况。

3.News emerged Monday that Wells Fargo was identified in an initial review as one of the institutions needing a stronger buffer.周一有消息称,富国银行(WellsFargo)在最初的评估中被确定为需要增加资本金的银行之一。

4.Wells Fargo & Co. , Bank of America Corp. and other large banks also rose on hopes that they too would be able to raise dividends.富国银行(WellsFargo&Co),美国银行(BankofAmericaCorp.)和其它大银行股价普涨,因市场预计它们也将上调股息。

5.Wednesday's earnings reports from Wells Fargo and Morgan Stanley may close the circle on a brief moment of glory for financials.国银行(WellsFargo)和摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)周三公布的业绩或将为金融类股短暂的荣耀时刻拉上大幕。

6.Meanwhile, Wells Fargo, among others, is warning of a 'bubble' in gold.与此同时,富国银行(WellsFargo)等金融机构发出黄金存在“泡沫”的警告。

7.It could include Wells Fargo &Co. (WFC), Bank of America Corp. (BAC), Citigroup Inc. (C) and several regional banks.其中可能包括富国银行(WellsFargo&Co.)、美国银行(BankofAmericaCo.)、花旗集团(CitigroupInc.)和几家地区性银行。

8.I once hired professional money managers at Wells Fargo to do essentially that for me.我曾经聘请了富国银行(WellsFargo)的职业资金管理人来为我做这件事。

9.Last week, Wells Fargo gave quarterly earnings guidance that blew the doors off Wall Street's forecasts.富国银行(WellsFargo)上周公布了季度业绩概要,当季业绩显著超过华尔街预期。

10.Wells Fargo is the pick of the large US banks with an 11 per cent share price decpne.富国银行(WellsFargo)是美国大型银行中的精英,股价仅下跌了11%。