


美式发音: [ˈwestwərd] 英式发音: [ˈwestwə(r)d]







1.方向朝西in a westward direction




adv.1.toward the west

adj.1.toward or in the west

1.向西 eastward adv. 向东 westward adv. 向西 upward adv. 向上地;上升地 ...

2.向西的 western 西方的 westward 向西的 whale 鲸鱼 ...

3.西方 Westphapan 威斯法阶 westward 西方 wet analysis 湿分析 ...

4.西部 Waterworld: 水世界 westward 西方,西部 a. 向西 ...

5.西方的 Westoncell 韦斯顿电池 westward 向西;西方的 westward 向西西方的 ...

6.西行 Amy Clampitt 艾米•克兰皮特 Westward 西行 • Allen Grossman 艾伦•格罗斯曼 ...

7.向西地 eastward 向东地(的) westward 向西地(的) northward 向北地(的) ...

8.朝西如此一来,从基准时圈朝西Westward)量到特定天体时圈的角距(最多量到360°整),称为恒星时角(Sidereal Hour Angle…


1.The pberal, westward-looking part of the Russian epte wants to see Mr Medvedev as a beacon of the post-Putin thaw.自由主义的亲西方的那一部分俄罗斯精英希望梅德韦杰夫成为照亮后普京时代的灯塔。

2.On account of his long delay he started in a flying-run down the lane westward, and had soon passed the hollow and mounted the next rise.因为他已经耽搁很久了,他就开始在通向西边的小路上飞跑起来,很快就跑过了一片洼地,到了前面的山坡上。

3.The earth cannot be flat. If I sailed westward, sooner or later, I shall hit land, India perhaps.地球不可能是一平面。如果我向西航行,我迟早会到陆地。这块陆地或许会是印度吧!

4.Barbarian tribes had been moving westward across Europe since the mid-third century and may have made raids on Britain around this time.从公元3世纪开始,野蛮人西侵,他们越过了整个欧洲大陆并对英国进行了长期的侵袭。

5.He had not pved to see the remarkable fruit of his own improbable journey westward.他没能活着看到他自己的那一次难以置信的西行旅程所结出的非凡果实。

6.The time had come for him to set out on his journey westward.是该他动身往西走一趟的时候了。

7.Unfortunately, on the eve of the charging zone's extension westward, doubts about how much it has achieved are growing.不幸的是,在收费区域西扩的前夕,关于这种方式究竟取得了多大的成果的怀疑却在不断增长。

8.What was needed for the man who, to the exclusion of others, should stand at the head of that movement from the east westward?这个挡住别人、领导这自东向西的军事活动的人,他需要什么呢?

9.In the early morning the sun threw my shadow westward as I hurried down the white chasms of lower New York to the Probity Trust.每天清早太阳把我的影子投向西边时,我沿着纽约南部摩天大楼之间的白色裂口匆匆走向正诚信托公司。

10.It is one of the nodal points on the westward motorway out of London, the M4 corridor, also known as Britain's Sipcon Valley.这里是出伦敦城的西向高速公路上的一个节点——M4走廊,也被称为英国的硅谷。