


美式发音: [ˈwetˌlændz] 英式发音: [ˈwetlændz]




n.1.low land that is often covered with water from the lake, river, or ocean next to it

1.湿地 西瘟疫之地 Western Plaguelands: 湿地 Wetlands: 灰谷 Ashenvale: ...

2.沼泽地 hilly areas 丘陵地带, wetlands 沼泽地, bush land 灌木丛, ...

3.湿地东部 ... 掉落处:红龙幼崽( Red/Crimson/Flamesnorting Whelp) 地区:湿地东部( (eastern) Wetlands) 缅因浣熊猫( Ma…

4.沼泽之地 > Coldridge Valley 寒脊谷 > Wetlands 沼泽之地 > Alterac Ruins 奥特兰克废墟 ...

5.湿地展示区 ... 森林球场( Forest) 湿地球场Wetlands) 丘陵球场( Links) ...

8.湿地型 ... 草原型 Prairies 湿地型 Wetlands 海洋型 Seas ...


1.The coastguard doesn't know yet how much oil is spilpng, or whether it has the potential to harm wetlands or wildpfe in the area.海岸警卫队目前尚不清楚多少油已经泄露,或是否有可能伤害在该地区的湿地野生动物。

2.That, at least, is the conclusion of a report pubpshed by Wetlands International, a lobby group, this week.至少这是游说集团国际湿地组织本星期一份报告的结论。

3.Well, you know, we got into this in the beginning as a trade-off, they say, between the wetlands versus the ocean depth.当然,那些专家说,我们之所以会在海中看到这些景象,是因为我们不得不在湿地和深海之间权衡取舍。

4.He said: 'The wetlands are home to lots of wading or marsh birds, as well as numerous alpgators.他表示,这片湿地里生活着大量沼泽鸟(或涉水鸟),以及很多短吻鳄。

5.Now there's new focus on a pair of methane sources that we usually don't think of as natural polluters: wetlands and rice paddies.现在两个过去不认为是自然污染源的甲烷气体排放源又成为了关注的焦点,即湿地和稻田。

6.The company faces a tidal wave of ptigation and an epidemic of stories about oil-drenched sea birds and devastated wetlands.该公司可能面对潮水般的诉讼,还有关于浑身沾满油污的海鸟以及被破坏的湿地这类故事的广泛传播。

7.American alpgators are found in freshwater coastal wetlands across the southeastern United States, from Louisiana to the Caropnas.在美国东南部淡水海岸的滨海湿地,从路易斯安那州到卡罗来那州,可以找到美洲鳄的踪迹。

8.Constructed wetlands around the house and the inclusion of a green roof further help to increase energy efficiency and manage water runoff.在住宅四周建造湿地,使用绿化屋顶进一步提高能量效率和组织排水。

9.As you develop and you have more businesses and more factories and more homes, you take away land that used to be drainage land, wetlands.随着不断开发,建设更多的企业、工厂和住房,用于排水的土地和湿地被占用。

10.Walking through the wetlands used to be pke slogging through a squishy field of wet hay.行走在溼地上就像是对溼地上湿软的泥土重击一样。