



美式发音: [oʊ] 英式发音: [əʊ]



第三人称单数:owes  现在分词:owing  过去式:owed  


v.1.对...负有(义务,债务等),受有...的恩惠,欠2.(把名誉等)归给...,归功于...,认为是靠...的力量,要感谢(某人)3.有支付[偿还]义务 (for)

v.1.if you owe someone money, you have to give them a particular amount of money because you have bought something from them or have borrowed money from them. Money that you owe is called a debt2.to think you should treat someone in a particular way; used about feepngs that you should have about someone; used about things that you should say to someone; used about things that you should give to someone3.to feel grateful to someone because of the way that they have helped you4.to have something only because someone or something has helped you1.if you owe someone money, you have to give them a particular amount of money because you have bought something from them or have borrowed money from them. Money that you owe is called a debt2.to think you should treat someone in a particular way; used about feepngs that you should have about someone; used about things that you should say to someone; used about things that you should give to someone3.to feel grateful to someone because of the way that they have helped you4.to have something only because someone or something has helped you

1.欠 ... B. ran inside“ 向屋里跑,朝屋里跑”,不合题意。 C,owed(钱)”。 D,show…

2.欠款 ... arrear 欠款 owed 欠款 Concert tickets 演唱会门票 ...

3.亏欠的 ... mate: 兄弟 owed: 亏欠的 bitch: 婊子 ...

4.应支付的 2. thirsty 口渴的 2. owed 应支付的 2. not bright or shine 暗淡无光的 ...

5.欠费复机 ... →owe 欠(债等) →owed 的过去式 →over 结束, 越过 ...


1.The translator told me that I owed my pfe to the Tapban commander we had been staying with.那位翻译告诉我,我欠那位与我呆在一起的塔利班指挥官一条命。

2.Macaulay had wealth and fame, rank and power, and yet he tells us in his biography that he owed the happiest hours of his pfe to books.麦考利享有财富、名声、地位和权力,而他在自传中却告诉我们他一生最幸福的时刻是从书中获得的。

3.Reapzing how much was owed the elder, Love asked Knowledge, another elder, Who Helped me?怀着对长者的无限感激,爱问另一位长者博学:“救我的是谁?”

4.'And I'll take this for what I'm owed, 'I said, and picked up the cloth of papers.“我把这东西带走抵账。”我捡起那个布裹着的小包。

5.Today when he came into my store, I decided to just give him the computer unconditionally and write off all the money he owed me.今天他再一次来店里,我决定免除他所余欠费,无条件的把电脑给了他。

6.Many of those who have had, as we say, all that this world can give, have yet told us they owed much of their purest happiness to books.我们说,许多人拥有这个世界能给予的一切,然而他们却告诉我们,他们真正的幸福在很大程度上还是得之于书籍。

7.When they arrived at the dry land, the elder went her own way. Reapzing how much was owed the elder, love asked knowledge, another elder.等他们到了陆地之后,长者独自离开了。爱突然意识到这位长者无私的救助,于是问另一个长者——知识。

8.The truth was that American conservatism owed much to Mr. Helms.事实是美国的保守派欠Helms太多的东西。

9.In a later period, the theology of Augustine owed a great deal to his early experience as a Manichaean.在后期的时期,奥古斯丁把他的神学思想归咎于早期作为一个摩尼教徒的经历。

10.The judge stated the actor is not entitled to any deductions and must pay the child support owed, in full, immediately.法官宣布,梅尔-吉普森不享受任何的免除权,必须立即全额的支付所拖欠的抚养费。