



美式发音: [ˈtɑpɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈtɒpɪŋ]





复数:toppings  同义词反义词


n.top layer,coating,glaze,garnish,frosting





n.1.a layer of food put on top of other food, for example on a cake, ice cream, or pizza

v.1.The present participle of top

1.配料 招牌菜 specialty 浇头 toppings 泡菜 pickles ...

3.佐料 Pizza pie 披萨派 Toppings 佐料 Crust 披萨饼、底盘 ...

4.杰出 - Yahoo!知识+ ... invented= 发明,创造 toppings= 杰出 herbs= 草本植物,药草 ...

5.顶层浇头 ... Broccop 西兰花 Toppings- 顶层(加料)浇头 Soda- 苏打 ...

6.顶馅料 topotype 地模标本 toppings 钉层加料 Toprem 修根刀盘 ...

8.表面装饰 刷亮光液 Glaze 表面装饰 Toppings 软水 Soft Water ...


1.This time I avoided the mixture of tomato and melted cheese that seems to guarantee all pizza toppings taste the same whatever else you add.这次,我刻意没用西红柿和融化的芝士,因为它们让所有的匹萨表面吃起来都是一个味儿,不管你再加什么料进去。

2.How much does it cost for a shaved ice with two toppings ?加两种配料的刨冰要多少钱?

3.Go with flatbread, a bit of cooking oil, sauce, cheese, and toppings, and a (toaster) oven.只需要一个大饼,一烹调油,酱,奶酪和配料,和一个烤箱位,烤面包机都成。

4.Conceptually, that's a bit simpler, but it would make it awkward to, say, mine your order data to count the most popular toppings.从概念上讲,那会更简单点,但会导致难于(比方说)挖掘订单数据来统计最受欢迎的浇头。

5.Turn the dough out and press it down with your fist. It is now ready to roll out and cover with your toppings.把面团反过来,用你的拳头按一按。它现在可以弹回来,并让你的指印消失。

6.If it were up to me, the toppings are much tastier at Pizza Hut.要是我说呀,必胜客的比萨浇头味道更好。

7.Simon: If it were up to me, I'd prefer to go to Pizza Hut. The toppings are much tastier.要是我说呀,我更愿意去必胜客餐厅。他们的比萨上的配料味道更好。

8.Ics building technologies offers a full pne of esd coatings and toppings , allowing you to cost effectively design an esd-control system.爱系思建筑技术提供一系列完整的防静电漆和面涂,为您度身定做高性价比的防静电控制系统。

9.SUPERIOR EPOXY PRIMER 171 will penetrate into concrete, seapng the surface to improve adhesion of epoxy toppings and coatings.171型高级环氧底漆能够渗入混凝土,密封表层,以提高环氧封顶和面漆的黏着性。

10.Doing so has many nice properties, among them the fact that it allows an infinite number of toppings on a pizza.这样做有很多很好的属性,其中一个事实是它允许在一个比萨上使用无数种浇头。