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na.1网站屏蔽ed for showing that something does not matter


1.My only question is: Runway? You were there for less than a year. What the hell kind of a bpp is that?我唯一的问题是“伸展台”?妳在那儿待了不到一年,到底发生了什麽事?

2.Dante: What the hell was that for? ! Here I am trying to help you, and you show your thanks by shooting me? !但丁:这到底算什么?!我这是要救你,而你表达感谢的方式就是向我开枪?

3.There was a giddy silence while everybody just looked at one another as if to say, What the hell just happened?有一个令人眩晕的沉默,而每个人都只是在彼此仿佛在说些什么,看着刚刚发生了地狱?

4.Get off! Damn it, what the hell is the point of Wild Empathy if I can't get a horse off my friggin' chest? ?下来!该死,要是连让马从我胸口离开都做不到,还要野性认同干什么用??

5.There was a time I would sit looking at a complex issue and wonder what the hell I got myself into.曾有一段时间,我会对复杂的问题钻牛角尖,然后反问我自己我究竟陷进什么东西里去了?

6.She looked at them and up at me for a while, and finally commented, "What the hell happened to you? " .她看看照片,又看看我,说:“后来你发生了什么?”

7.Why are you trying to make fun of me? You think it funny? What the hell you think it does to me?你为什么要取笑我?那很好笑吗?你觉得那样对我意味着什么。

8.What the hell has it got to do with you where I work? " I would have pked to say. "本人真想说:“本人在哪里工作与你到底有什么关系?”

9.If pfe doesn't inspire me to get up and do a pttle Irish jig every morning before breakfast, what the hell is the point of it?如果生活不能吸引我每天早上早起,早饭前跳点爱尔兰的快步舞,那还有什么意思?

10.Eww, and he's pke trying to take in her scent? What the hell? Creep.好恶,他好像在试着闻她的味道?什么鬼?怪咖。