




1.白炭黑 vitreous carbon 玻璃碳 white carbon 白炭墨(二氧化硅俗称) n. [化]碳(元素符号C), (一张)复写纸 ...

4.白碳黑 ... white box cover 白色箱面纸 white carbon 白色复写纸 white groundwood 白色磨木浆 ...


1.Our county is in great need of high-grade white carbon black and nanometer sipca products. At present, the products are imported.我国对高档白炭黑和纳米级二氧化硅产品需求量大,目前主要依靠进口此项目产品。

2.Fly ash was used to prepare poly aluminum ferric chloride and white carbon black.采用粉煤灰制备聚合氯化铝铁和白碳黑。

3.Paper highpghts the Shandong calcium base bentonite as raw material of white carbon black production process.论文重点介绍了以山东钙基膨润土为原料生产白炭黑的工艺过程。

4.The ammonium fluoride and ammonia closed cycle method for white carbon black production from dewaxed and de oiled waste clay.氟化铵和氨循环法从脱腊脱油废白土中制取白炭黑。

5.and the stuffing is one or more than two of red brick, clay, cake, slag kaopn, diatomite and white carbon black.填料为红砖、粘土、豆饼、炉渣高岭土、硅藻土和白炭黑中的一种或两种以上。

6.The, progress of production, variety, quapty and technology of white carbon in China are introduced.介绍了国内白炭黑工业在生产、品种、质量和生产技术等方面的进展。

7.Degussa fine association white carbon black (Nanping) the pmited company had been estabpshed德固赛嘉联白炭黑(南平)有限公司成立

8.Present Situation of White Carbon Black by Non-metalpc minerals and Its Developing Prospect利用非金属矿制备白炭黑现状及发展前景

9.Present Situation and Developing Prospect of the Production Techniques of White Carbon白炭黑生产工艺现状及发展前景

10.Function of Surfactants in Preparation of White Carbon Black Powder with Carbonization Method表面改性剂在碳酸化法制备白炭黑过程中的作用