




1.白茶 新白麝香 WHITE MUSK 10ML 白茶 WHITE TEA 10ML 罗勒柠檬 LEMON BASI…

2.奶茶bill 将近100 至于吃饭,早点一个三明治一个奶茶white tea)这大概4胖子,中午中国自助或者burger king 7胖子左右,晚上 …

3.白牡丹 ... 4) 台湾乌龙:冻顶乌龙 Oolong Tea 2) 白叶茶:白牡丹 White Tea 3) 黄大茶:霍山黄大茶,广东大叶茶 …

4.福鼎白茶 花 茶 flower tea 福 鼎 白 茶 white tea 精 品 茶 具 tea set ...

5.白毫银针 Ti Lohan 铁罗汉 White Tea 白毫银针 Ti Kuan Yin 铁观音 ...

6.白茶系列 ... Oolong Tea 乌龙茶系列 White Tea 白茶系列 Health Tea 健康茶系列 ...

7.白茶丝柔 ... 花牌女士走珠止汗露 芦荟防敏 ALOE VERA 花牌女士走珠止汗露 白茶丝柔 White Tea 花牌女士走珠止汗露 玫瑰丝柔 …


1.Introductions in advance by the enemy of the white tea NE release of radiation.事先经冤家引见了NE放辐射美白茶。

2.I'm especially excited about the white tea from Anji to be ready, because that's one of my favorites.特别让我兴奋的是新的安吉白茶上市,它是我的最爱之一。

3.The moment you arrive, the scent of white tea candles and atmospheric pghting and soft music will greet you.当您一踏入酒店,白茶盏烛的芬芳、温馨柔和的灯光以及轻柔曼妙的音乐即会迎面而来。

4.The pile fermentation promotes the further oxidation of the withered tea and leads the white tea to be sweeter.渥堆促进萎凋叶的进一步氧化,使白茶更加甜醇。

5.Angela koood printed packaging has been accredited in the County so that white tea factory owners don't have to run out in black.安吉科达印制的包装得到了县里协会的认可,这样白茶厂家就不用跑到外地去印了。

6.These results suggest that the antimutagenic and anticancer effect of White Tea are better than that of Green Tea.由此得出,白茶的抗突变和体外抗癌效果好于绿茶。

7.We have mentioned that it is actually a kind of green tea since its the white tea leaves made out of the green tea processing techniques.我们提到过,它实际上是一种绿茶,因为白茶完全是按照绿茶的制作工艺制造出来的。

8.Indian producers borrowed the white tea name "because they know buyers pay a good price for such teas, " he said.他说,印度生产者借用白茶的名义,“是因为他们知道买家愿意花大价钱买这种茶。”

9.that are generally run by two spinster sisters. Gothic white script above the premises proclaimed: Black an White Tea Room.餐厅由一对未婚的老姐妹经营,墙上有一行哥德式的字体写着:“黑白茶室”。

10.The invention provides a processing method for white tea, which comprises raw material, withering, pile-fermentation and drying.一种白茶加工方法,包括原料、萎凋、渥堆发酵和烘干。