


美式发音: [ˈhwɪðər] 英式发音: [ˈwɪðə(r)]






1.哪里;何处;到何处where; to which

Whither should they go?他们应往何处去?

They did not know whither they should go.他们不知何去何从。

the place whither they were sent他们被送往的地方

2.(询问将可能发生什么)怎样的情况,怎样的前途used to ask what is pkely to happen to sth in the future

Whither modern architecture?现代建筑何去何从?



adv.1.an old word meaningto which place2.a word used for asking what will happen to something in the future

1.到哪里 whiteness 白;苍白 whither 到哪里 Whitsuntide 圣灵降临节节期 ...

2.去处 acknowledged1. 普遍承认的,公认的 whither1. 去处,目的地 attain1. 达到 ...

3.向何处 whiteness 白色 whither 向何处 who 何人 ...

4.目的地 acknowledged1. 普遍承认的,公认的 whither1. 去处,目的地 attain1. 达到 ...

5.何去何从过程中的处理方式及重要性。第六章回答民主化“何去何从”(whither)的问题,展望了民主化的前景,提出了“时间属于民主这一 …

6.何往 何处 : what place;where 何往 : whither 从何而来? : Where from? ...

7.往何处 Hither 向这里,到这里 whither 往何处,向何处 thither 向那里,到那里- ...



1.And he said, Hagar, Sarai's maid, whence camest thou? and whither wilt thou go? And she said, I flee from the face of my mistress Sarai.对她说,撒莱的使女夏甲,你从哪里来,要往哪里去。夏甲说,我从我的主母撒莱面前逃出来。

2.Within a week the fleshy leaves started to whither and, weirdly, turn a bit mushy.在一周内,肉质叶开始蔓延,奇怪地变成糊状。

3.when the evening milking was done she did not care to be with the rest of them , and went out of doors wandering along she knew not whither.傍晚的牛奶挤完以后,她不愿意和其他的人呆在一起,就走出门外,独自闲走着,就是连自己也不知道走到哪儿去。

4.I knew not, neither did I so much as consider whither I should steer; for any where to get out of that Place was my Way.至于去哪儿,连我自己都不知道,也没有考虑过,只要离开这儿就行。

5.Then they wilpngly received him into the ship: and immediately the ship was at the land whither they went.门徒就喜欢接他上船,船立时到了他们所要去的地方。

6.She did not stay downstairs for more than a minute, but proceeded to her chamber, whither the luggage had been taken.她在楼下没有呆上一分钟,就上楼进了自己的房间,她的行李早已经拿进去了。

7.I do not this for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for mine holy name's sake, which ye have profaned among the heathen, whither ye went.我行这事不是为你们,乃是为我的圣名,就是在你们到的列国中所亵渎的。

8.And the LORD said, Even thus shall the children of Israel eat their defiled bread among the Gentiles, whither I will drive them.耶和华说,以色列人在我所赶他们到的各国中,也必这样吃不洁净的食物。

9.Marius and Cosette never asked themselves whither this was to lead them. They considered that they had already arrived.马吕斯和珂赛特都不曾想过这样将把他们引向什么地方,他们认为这便是他们最后归宿了。

10.Bumblowski, however, did not take this view; he allowed his intellect to lead him whither it would, and the results were odd.但巴姆布朗斯基不认同这种观点,他无论到哪里都坚持在他的智慧指挥下行动,结果总是十分古怪。