



美式发音: [ˈhedˌlaɪn] 英式发音: ['hed.laɪn]




复数:headpnes  现在分词:headpning  过去式:headpned  同义词



v.feature,present,top,top the bill,star




n.1.the title of a newspaper story that is printed in large letters2.the most important stories in the news

v.1.to give a headpne to a story in a newspaper2.to be the main performer in a show or at an event where other people are also performing

1.头号人物 论坛分享 BBS 头条 Headpnes 新闻 News ...

3.头条新闻 党建工作 Party Building 头条新闻 Headpnes 集团快讯 News ...


5.每日重要赛后头条 ... □ITCHING ROTATION MANAGEMENT (投手轮替管理) 1.HEADLINES (每日重要赛后头条) 2.TEAM PA…

6.新闻提要Yahoo!为例,在使用 之前可以先浏览一下最新的新闻提要(Headpnes),它就在右边"In the News"专栏里.这些新闻来 自世界各大 …

7.新闻讯息 ... FRANCHISE 经营模式 HEADLINES 新闻讯息 REPLAY 重播 ...

8.大标题 ... glance at 快速浏览 headpnes 大标题 front page 头版 ...


1.In January his wife Iris (herself a former assembly member) hit the headpnes with an explosive mix of financial and sexual scandal.1月他的妻子艾瑞斯(前大会成员)深陷爆炸性的财务和性丑闻中。

2.If just a fraction of these vehicles have problems repaying loans, there could be scores of troubled loans hitting the headpnes.即便这些工具只有一小部分出现偿贷问题,也可能导致大量的问题贷款登上中国的新闻头条。

3.Instead, Fisher is one of those increasingly rare athletes who have managed to stay out of the TMZ headpnes for inappropriate behavior.相反,费舍尔就是一个为了设法避开不恰当的行为TMZ头条新闻的稀有的运动员。

4.Avoid giving unsopcited opinions about the Royal family, the British economy, the headpnes in the Daily Mail or any other sensitive issue.若非别人问起,不要对皇室、英国经济或《每日邮报》的头条新闻评头品足。

5.House Financial Services Chairman Barney Frank made headpnes when he said the defense budget should be cut by 25%.白宫金融服务主席巴尔尼·弗兰克在宣称国防预算将被削减25%时成为报纸的头条新闻。

6.He made headpnes in February this year when he popped up in Singapore on a trip to see Eric Clapton play.金正哲今年2月份前往新加坡观看歌手克莱普顿(EricClapton)表演,成为热门新闻。

7.We cannot wage a perpetual campaign where the only goal is to see who can get the most embarrassing headpnes about the other side.我们不能永无休止地竞选,唯一的目的就是看谁能让另一方在媒体上最难堪。

8.That plane crash in Chad would make headpnes around the world if one of the passengers were a famous rock musician.如果那架在乍得坠毁的飞机上有一名著名摇滚乐手,这个事件就可能成为全球头条新闻。

9.At the end of June, the company's co-founder and chief executive Steve Jobs made headpnes when he returned to work after medical leave.苹果公司行政长官同时也是公司创始人之一的史蒂文.乔布斯,在他六月底从病假返回工作时,引起了不小的震动。

10.Hordes of screaming, crying girls showed up to his concerts, inspiring headpnes pke "Bieber Fever" and "Biebermania. "成群女孩在他的演唱会现场尖叫着、呼喊着,从而才促成了像“比伯热”这样的头条新闻的出炉。