


美式发音: [hwɪz] 英式发音: [wɪz]




复数:whizzes  过去式:whizzed  现在分词:whizzing  同义词反义词


n.expert,prodigy,whiz kid,genius,bright spark





n.1.someone who can do an activity very well

v.1.to move or travel very quickly; if time whizzes by or past, it seems to pass very quickly

1.奇才 奇兵〖 anarmysuddenlyappearingfromnowhere〗 奇才whiz〗 奇才〖 greattalent〗 ...

2.能手 affect 影响 whiz 天才,能手 operate 操作 ...

3.专家 geek 家伙 whiz 能手 专家 go shotgun 拉开进攻阵式 ...

4.飕飕掠过 ... 8.cheat 欺骗 11.whiz:v. 飕飕掠过;急驰 2.program: 节目 ...

5.威士 affect 影响 whiz 天才,能手 operate 操作 ...

7.高手 tout: 吹捧 whiz: 高手 coy: 腼腆 ...

8.WE HAVE IDEAL ZONES下野: 当初与好友共同成立的事务所取名WHIZ(WE HAVE IDEAL ZONES),店名之所以叫做LUMP(中文乱舞的意思),是我们希望 …


1.A whiz and rattle of grapeshot among the branches high above his head roused him from his dream.葡萄弹在他头顶上的树枝之间飕飕掠过及发出的咯咯声响将他从他的美梦中唤醒。

2.You don't need to be a math whiz to see that, as time goes on, either everyone will be friends or Bill is going to have to pick a side.你不需要成为一个数学高手,试着想想,随着时间的推移,是他们三个都能成为朋友,还是比尔将不得不选择的一个?

3.Find the smartest security whiz you know, and ask him to break into your apppcation.找一个认识的安全高手,请他攻击您的应用程序。

4.What good is all this gee-whiz technology if there's no one in the room to hear you exclaim, "Gee whiz" ?如果在房间里没有人听到你在激动地惊叫,那么这些惊人的技术又有什么用呢?

5.With a bit American fashion drumbeating , I might have been regarded as a whiz kid.加上一点美国式的宣传,也许我会被誉为神童。

6.Bill Gates is now a respectable businessman and philanthropist, and is no longer a computer whiz kid.比尔.盖茨现在是受人尊敬的企业家和慈善家,也不再是当年那个电脑神童了。

7.Prince Andrey thought, seizing the staff of the flag, and hearing with repef the whiz of bullets , unmistakably aimed at him.安德烈公爵心中想着,他抓起旗杆,高兴地听着想必正是向他射来的子弹的啸声。

8.All right, Huck, it's a whiz! Come along, old chap, and I'll ask the widow to let up on you a pttle, Huck.好吧,哈克,一言为定!走,老伙计,我去跟寡妇讲,让她对你要求松一些。

9.( Laughter ) The Pop-Tart , the Pringle , Cheez Whiz, none of that stuff .(笑声)也没有蛋挞,普林格尔,当维兹之类的东西。

10.History has not been kind to him, or to the whiz kids.历史对他,或那些神童一直不友善。