




1.你到底爱谁 Is It worth It? 是否值得? Who You Love 你到底爱谁 Speak Out Your Love 勇敢表达心中之爱 ...

2.你爱的是谁 ... that you know 你知道 who you love, 你爱的是谁 you can't deny it. 你无法否认 ...

3.你爱谁 ... 7. In touched/ 心动了 8. Who you love你爱谁 9. None with heart/ 心上没有心 ...

4.你所关爱的人Chris... ... High above my pfe 高于我的生命 Who you love,I'll love 你所关爱的人,我会真心爱护 ...


1.Hold out for someone who you love spending time with, and who loves to spend time with you.坚守那个你喜欢花时间与其在一起并也喜欢和你在一起的那个人吧。

2.There is no doubt that it feels sweet and warm to have a hug or a loving kiss when you are with the one who you love spending time with.没错,当你与你愿意相伴的人在一起时,得到他(她)的一个拥抱,一个爱的亲吻是甜蜜的,是感到暖暖的。

3.To truly practice it, you feel no expectations from those who you love, and yet an unconditional caring.真正去实践它,你必须对那些你爱的人没有期望,并给予无条件的关爱。

4.To truly practice it, you must sincerely feepng expectations from those who you love, and yet an unconditional caring.真正做到了,你必须真诚的感受你的爱人的期望,以及无条件的关怀。

5.If you found the girl who you love most in this world, you are lucky it isn't easy to find one.如果你在这世界上能遇到你最爱的女孩那你是幸运的因为这并不是一件很容易的事情。

6.I've got nothing to say. Because I knew that I'm not the one who you love.对你,我没话可说。因为我知道,我并不是你爱的人。

7.What will it be if the cost is you can never tell the girl, who you love so much, that you love her?如果代价是你永远也不能告诉你深爱的女孩你爱她,你的选择又将会是什么?

8.Life is getting what you want and protecting who you love, and everything else is weakness.生活就是得你所欲,护你所爱,其他做法都是软弱的表现。

9.i suggest you to choose one who you love, rather than one who loves you.我劝你在喜欢你和你喜欢的人里面选喜欢你的,

10.I think perhaps every boy always face to make a decision which girl you choose between the one who you love or who love you.我想大概每个男孩都会面对这样一个决定:选择一个你爱的女孩还是一个爱你的女孩。