

whole grain

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1.全谷能消化面包,即使所吃的是有机 (organic)、全谷(whole-grain)、天然发酵(naturally fermented) 或酸发酵 (sourdough) 的无添 …

2.全麦 ... 3.Nibble v. 一点点地咬,慢慢啃,吹毛求疵 4.whole-grain adj. 天然谷物的,未加工的谷物的 ...



1.Even those that boast whole grains typically remove the germ, one of the more nutritious parts of a whole grain kernel.即使是那些号称由全谷物制成的,基本上都除去了内核——也就是谷粒中最具营养的部分。

2.So whole-grain breads historically have had sort of this onus of being health-food breads, and people don't pke to eat quote, healthfood.因此,全麦面包历来被视为一种健康但人们却不喜欢吃的面包所谓的健康食品。

3.Brown rice, however, did not appear to be the most effective whole grain for fending off diabetes.然而,糙米并非全谷物中最能避免糖尿病的一类。

4.Various vegetables can be added to any whole grain pasta dish or pizza, and fruit is a great topping for low-fat or fat free yogurt.很多种蔬菜都可以添加到各式的全麦通心粉和比萨饼里去,而水果是很好的低脂肪或无脂肪酸奶配料。

5.He said the Tanzania whole grain surplus, but frankly there are 16 provinces a total of 48 county food shortages.他说,坦桑尼亚整体来说粮食有盈余,但坦16省共48县存在粮食短缺问题。

6.Uh-huh. -A whole grain means that it has all parts of the grain, so we're gonna get a lot more nutrition. . .嗯嗯。-全谷意味着有谷粒的所有部分,所以我们会得到更多的营养…

7.There's no need to feel guilty about having a small bowl of cereal before bed, especially if it's a low-sugar, whole-grain cereal.在睡前吃一小碗谷类食品你不必心虚,尤其是低糖的、整谷谷类食品。

8.Whole Grain Pasta or Bread: we look to foods rich in carbohydrates as a sort of "comfort food" , but in this case they are good for us, too.全麦面食或者面包:我们把含糖类丰富的食物称作“安慰食物”,这样的话,它们对我们有益。

9.Consume at least half of all grains as whole grains. Increase whole-grain intake by replacing refined grains with whole grains.谷类食物的摄入量应占膳食总量的一半。增加粗粮的摄入以取代细粮。

10.For someone who once subsisted on cookies and soda, the road to a whole-grain, occasionally vegetarian pfe began with this staple.对于那些一度靠饼干和苏打水过活的人来说,一条通往食用全谷物、偶尔吃素的生活之路就由这种主食开始。