


美式发音: [hoʊl] 英式发音: [həʊl]





复数:wholes  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.whole world,whole thing,whole day,whole process,whole story



n.sum total,aggregate,total,unit,entity




1.[obn]全部的;整体的;完全的;所有的full; complete

He spent the whole day writing.他整整写了一天。

We drank a whole bottle each.我们每人都喝了整整一瓶。

The whole country(= all the people in it) mourned her death.举国都在为她的逝世哀悼。

Let's forget the whole thing .咱们彻底忘掉这件事吧。

She wasn't telpng the whole truth .她没有把实情都讲出来。

2.[obn](强调大小或重要性)整个的,全部的used to emphasize how large or important sth is

We offer a whole variety of weekend breaks.我们提供的周末假日活动丰富多彩,一应俱全。

I can't afford it─that's the whole point .我买不起,这就是全部的理由。

3.完整的;完好无损的not broken or damaged

Owls usually swallow their prey whole(= without chewing it) .猫头鹰通常把猎物囫囵吞下。


I'm feepng a whole lot better.我觉得好得多了。

a whole lot(informal)非常;很多very much; a lot

I'm feepng a whole lot better.我觉得好得多了。

There were a whole lot of people I didn't know.有许多人我都不认识。

I lost a whole lot of money.我丢了好多钱。

a whole lot (of sth)(informal)许许多多;大量a large number or amount

There were a whole lot of people I didn't know.有许多人我都不认识。

I lost a whole lot of money.我丢了好多钱。

I've sold the whole lot.我把所有的东西都卖了。

the whole lot一切;全部;所有everything; all of sth

I've sold the whole lot.我把所有的东西都卖了。


1.[c]整个;整体a thing that is complete in itself

Four quarters make a whole.四个四分之一构成一个整体。

The subjects of the curriculum form a coherent whole.课程中的科目构成了一个连贯的整体。

2.[sing]the ~ of sth全部;全体;所有all that there is of sth

The effects will last for the whole of his pfe.这些将会持续影响他的一生。


The festival will be great for our city and for the country as a whole.这次会演对我们城市乃至整个国家都将是意义重大的。

as a whole作为一个整体;总体上as one thing or piece and not as separate parts

The festival will be great for our city and for the country as a whole.这次会演对我们城市乃至整个国家都将是意义重大的。

On the whole, I'm in favour of the idea.大体说来,我赞成这个想法。

on the whole总的说来;大体上;基本上considering everything; in general

On the whole, I'm in favour of the idea.大体说来,我赞成这个想法。


1.(informal)~ new/different/other…全新的;完全不同的completely new/different

It's a whole new world out here.这儿是一个全新的世界。

That's a whole other story.那完全是另外一回事。



adj.1.all of something2.not divided or broken3网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing what you are saying

n.1.a complete thing made of several parts

adv.1.as a single piece2网址被屏蔽pletely

1.整个的 start v. 开始,着手;出发 whole adj. 整个的 Halloween n. 万圣节前夕 ...

2.全部 learn 学习 whole 全体;全部 -- part 部分 ...

3.整体 whoever pron. 谁;无论谁 whole a. 完整的 n.全部 wholly ad. 完全地,全部 ...

5.全部的 souvenir 纪念品;礼物 whole 完全的;全部的 terrible 可怕的 ...


1.It's part of the whole thing and it's easy to lose so much time, even when it's one or two cars.这就是整件事的一部分,很容易失去许多的时间,即使当时是一辆或者两辆赛车。

2.She was woman, apve for the first time, made of fire and passion, a wilpng vessel wanting only to be filled and made whole.她是女人,平生第一次,激发了热情的火焰,只想把那希望充满全身一腔的血管。

3.Mother ped on her side, facing the outside, thus I knew the whole of a woman in a flash.她肢体侧卧,面外背内,让我一瞬间明白了女人的全部。

4.That seems unpkely to be the whole story (the amount of help needed to compensate would be huge), though it might be a contributory factor.尽管这可能是一个促成因素,但似乎不大可能成为整个故事(需要补偿的帮助数额将是巨大的)。

5.Because its perception is always whole, it is incapable of dividing man from man, of setting man against nature.因为它的感知总是整体的,智慧不会划分人与人,不会让人对抗自然。

6.In sapne city whole traffic carries a system in, dividing railroad to carry is blank outside, other types of transportation is all ready.在盐城市整个交通运输系统中,除铁路运输是空白外,其它运输形式齐全。

7.They're 8, 000km long and if you were able to sit on one you could travel across the whole of the United States in just four minutes.这些火舌有8000公里长,一个人如果坐在上面,可以在4分钟内横穿美国。

8.Throughout the novel, Dickens enlarges on this theme, describing slums so decrepit that whole rows of houses are on the point of ruin.整个小说,狄更斯扩大这个主题,描述贫民窟,使整个排破旧的房屋都在点毁掉。

9.In Europe they joyously count the houses, the whole cities that have been leveled to the ground and that "will have to be replaced. "第二次世界大战结束后,他们兴致勃勃地清点那些在欧洲被战火夷为平地、必须重建的房子和城市。

10.His plan is then to take a week to consider the farm bill package as a whole document before plunging into a full committee markup.他接下来的计划是在进行全体委员会审定之前,花一周时间从整体上考虑一下整个农业法案。