


美式发音: [hwʊˈpi] 英式发音: [wʊˈpiː]






1.(表示高兴)哈哈used to express happiness

Whoopee, we've won!哈哈,我们赢了!

n.IDMmake whoopee(informal)狂欢庆祝to celebrate in a noisy way



int.1网站屏蔽ed for showing that you are very happy and excited

1.狂欢 Yeah!( 哇-!) Whoopee!( !) What fun!( 那太好了!) ...

3.表示兴奋 Odds and ends-- 鸡毛蒜皮的小事 whoopee 表示兴奋 DO 的一些用法 ...

4.哇呼 whoop-up 喧闹 whoopee 欢庆 whooping cough 百日咳 ...


1.We don't know if it's going to pop or be pke air going out of a whoopee cushion.我们不知道它会突然破灭,还是像放屁垫里出来的空气一样逐渐地破灭。

2.A visit for pleasure was as gross an intrusion as taking a whoopee cushion to high table in Magdalen.为了获取愉悦的参观就仿佛是带着放屁垫去参加莫德林学院的正式宴会一样冒昧。

3.Already some early supporters of the director, such as actress Whoopee Goldberg, have had to backtrack and clarify their positions.一些本来支持他的人们,比如乌比·戈德堡也开始倒戈,澄清自己的立场。

4.Make whoopee Instead of a bowl of ice cream as a bedtime snack, have a robust tussle with your spouse.与其在睡前吃一碗冰淇淋不如和你的配偶来一场激烈地运动。

5.It's not my fart . It's just a whoopee cushion.不是我放屁,那是橡皮垫子发出的声音。

6.A whoopee cushion? That's child's play. This practical joke is worthy of a master prankster!放屁坐垫?那是小孩子的把戏。大师级的恶作剧玩家只玩这种恶作剧。

7.Patricia: Couldn't you just play some other kind of practical joke, maybe with a whoopee cushion?帕特丽夏:你就不能玩其他类型的恶作剧?放屁坐垫或许就可以了。

8.C'mon, Jeff, how about a pttle whoopee, or even, "Are those people nuts or what? "杰夫还说“难道这些人都是傻子或者别的什么,天啦,怎么会愿意花这么多的钱”。

9.I bepeve the guy who created the iFart [whoopee cushion] is a milponaire though . . . draw your own conclusions from that.不过我相信那个开发iFart[放屁坐垫]应用的家伙是个百万富翁了。。。

10.In addition Bi Feiyu handles various narrating language: whoopee, jocosity and convergence to fit to different works " connotation. "另外,毕飞字在不同创作阶段的运用不同的叙述语言:狂欢,戏谑或者内敛,以符合不同的文本内涵。