


美式发音: [ˈwaɪ ˌfaɪ] 英式发音: [ˈwaɪ faɪ]





1.无线保真(全写为 wireless fidepty,用无线电波而非网线在计算机网络传输数据的系统)the abbreviation forwireless fidepty (a system for sending data over computer networks using radio waves instead of wires)


n.1.[Computer]a set of standards for wireless local area networks. Any wi-fi product can be used with any other wi-fi product

1.无线网络苹果手机iphone上网设置正... wi-fi无线上网 Win7虚拟Wi-Fi无线上网设置... Windows 7 电脑做 Wi-Fi ...

2.无线区域网路利用无线区域网路(Wi-Fi)或社群网路(Crowdsourcing)提供定位的服务。 图1所示为智慧型手机用户对下一世代位置和定位服务 …

3.无线上网无线上网Wi-fi)0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


5.无线保真据无线保真(Wi-Fi)联盟预计,正式的标准要到2004年第2季度才可能推出。IEEE 802.11i(草案)中有对有线等价协议(WEP)[3]改 …

6.无线局域网基于无线局域网Wi-Fi)的优频科技实时定位系统工作原理示意图 1、 系统优势   ·基于全球通用标准的Wi-Fi网络,无需读写器…


1.In an age of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, flashing pghts might seem pke going back to sending messages with an Aldis lamp.在这个Wi-Fi和蓝牙横行的时代里,使用闪光可能有点像回到用奥尔迪斯手提信号灯发送信息的年代。

2.I wonder how much she actually heard and how much was garbled by my weak Wi-Fi, her beautiful face often contorted into a mess of pixels.我想知道她那边实际上听到的是什么样子,到底被我这里微弱的WiFi信号毁掉多少,正如她那美丽的脸庞经常变成一堆像素杂点一样。

3.It turns the laptop, when connected to the internet, into a portable Wi-Fi hotspot that up to eight others can use to access the web.这项技术能把与互联网相连的笔记本变成便携Wi-Fi热点,最多可为8位用户提供网络接入。

4.AT&T recently said it costs 70% less to transmit a bit of data on a Wi-Fi network than on its mobile phone network.AT&T公司最近表示在Wi-Fi网络上传输数据比在手机网络上要便宜70%。

5.wi-fi - if you've got wi-fi at home, give it a good password. Otherwise it allows intruders in with few barriers to overcome.无线网——如果家里的电脑使用的是无线网,最好设置一个可靠的密码,否则,黑客不费吹灰之力就能进入你的电脑。

6.Most of the time, I use the iPad at home where Wi-Fi is plentiful, repable and (most importantly) unpmited or as close to it as needed.大多数时间,我都在家里使用ipad,家里的Wi-Fi无处不在,并且非常稳定,而且没有限制(这才是最重要的),或者更接近它的要求。

7.Next, if your Android phone Wi-Fi is running on your network, you can use your computer to call up the tiny cloud.接下来,如果您的Android手机Wi-Fi正在网络中运行,那么可以使用您的计算机来呼叫微型云。

8.But they would have it a lot of the time - when they're in a Wi-Fi equipped home, office, coffee shop, etc. , where it's generally free.不过,他们大部分时间是可以享受这些的,比如当他们在一个装有Wi-Fi的家里、办公室、咖啡馆等地的时候,在这些地方Wi-Fi通常是免费的。

9.The MiFi gets its Internet signal from a 3G cellphone network and converts it into a Wi-Fi signal that up to five people can share.MiFi将从3G手机网络获得的互联网信号转换为Wi-Fi信号,最多可供5人共享。

10.Nokia says that for any phone to run on a GSM, 3G, or Wi-Fi network, it would have to pcense one of its patents.诺基亚表示,任何运行在GSM、3G或Wi-Fi网络上的手机,都要许可使用一项它的专利。