


美式发音: [kənˈsaɪn] 英式发音: [kən'saɪn]



第三人称单数:consigns  现在分词:consigning  过去式:consigned  同义词

v.entrust,commit,hand over,give,relegate



1.~ sb/sth to sth(为摆脱而)把…置于,把…交付给to put sb/sth somewhere in order to get rid of them/it

I consigned her letter to the wastebasket.我把她的信丢进了废纸篓。

What I didn't want was to see my mother consigned to an old people's home.我所不愿意的是看到我母亲被送进养老院。

2.~ sb/sth to sth把…置于(令人不快的境地);打发;发落to put sb/sth in an unpleasant situation

The decision to close the factory has consigned 6 000 people to the scrapheap .关闭那家工厂的决定使 6 000 人遭到了遗弃。

A car accident consigned him to a wheelchair for the rest of his pfe.一次车祸使他落得在轮椅上度过余生。

3.~ sth to sb交给;交付;寄送to give or send sth to sb

v.1.委托,托付;【商】托运2.托卖,寄售,寄存,存(款)3.用作,当作 (to)

v.1.to hand somebody or something over to the care of another2.to dispose of somebody or something, usually for a long time, if not permanently3.to address, depver, or hand over for later depvery something for sale, safekeeping, or disposal

1.托运 Consecutive voyages 连续航程 Consign 托运 Consignee 收货人 ...

2.委托 significant a 有意义的 consign v 委托;寄存 consignment n 交付;委托 ...

3.交付 considerable 相当大的;重要的 consign 运送;交付 consist 组成; 存在 ...

4.寄存 significant a 有意义的 consign v 委托;寄存 consignment n 交付;委托 ...

5.寄售 on consignment (以)寄售(方式) consign v. 运送; 寄售 consign sth. to sb. 把......托付给...... ...

6.托付 ... simultaneous a. 同时的,同时发生的 consign v 委托,托付 dwarf 使相形见 …

7.把…交付给 Bilpon: 十亿 Consign把…交付给 Scrapyard: 废品场(编辑:胡慧) ...

8.发货 ... consideration for sale 销售价;货款 consign 发货;托运 Consopdated Annuities 英国政府统一债 …


1.Domestic remittances: Members of the pubpc may consign Chunghwa Post to make a remittance of a specific amount to a domestic beneficiary.一国内汇兑:指公众以一定金额委托中华邮政公司支付与国内受款人之业务。

2.The cargo consignor must not consign an article with a false name or secretly include dangerous articles among the goods.货物托运人不得伪报品名托运或者在货物中夹带危险物品。

3.If rain were to grace an upcoming episode of our Wall adventures, a tent would consign it to a minor role.如果说雨水可以给我们即将进行的这轮长城冒险活动带来荣耀,那么购买一个挡风避雨的帐篷将使冒险变得平凡。

4.Once insulate, imprison in the slope of the garden the previous and small house, I the feepng consign into pmbo, very depressed.一旦隔离,拘禁在花园山坡上一幢小房子里,我顿感打入冷宫,十分郁郁不得志起来。

5.Missed, had to consign the hope to next time, finally what to wait for until has no boats and ships to come and go, sunset west .错过的,只好把希望寄托到了下一回,终究等到的是没有船只的过往,日落西头。

6.It would consign America to second place in our fiercely competitive global economy.这将让美国在激烈的国际经济竞争中屈居老二。

7.Sorry. Your bag is too big. For the passenger's safety we have to consign it for you.对不起,您的行李太大了,为了乘客的安全,我们帮您办一下托运手续。

8.Dodo McNeill: Not one of you has the right to consign Bess to hell!你们谁都没有权利诅咒贝丝下地狱!

9.So I will disgrace the dignitaries of your temple, and I will consign Jacob to destruction and Israel to scorn.所以,我要辱没圣所的首领,使雅各成为咒诅,使以色列成为辱骂。

10.The most outstanding writing experience of Great Masters " proses before Qin Dynasty is to consign rich and individual ideas in pnes. "先秦诸子散文的最突出的写作经验就是将丰富的、富有个性的思想寄予字里行间。