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1.维也纳 ... 10 六 意大利→奥地利 VENEZIA→WIEN 14 三 奥地利→捷克 WIEN→PRAHA 11 一 西班牙→葡萄牙 SALA…

3.奥地利维也纳 ... 洞穴——瓦杜兹 Vaduz—— 戈绍(重返)——维也纳市中心 Wien—— 布达佩斯链子桥徒步—— …


1.While Mr. Wien points out that 'net worth does not always connote wisdom, ' they all have strong opinions and aren't afraid to voice them.虽然韦恩指出,拥有超高资产净值并非一定具有智慧,但是赴宴人士都有着强有力的观点,并不惮于大声宣告。

2.Wien is a beautiful woman, you will fall in love with her since the first sight you see her.维也纳是一个非常美丽的女人,也许第一眼见到她,你便会爱上她。

3."If I had an idea about India-Pakistan, I would talk to him about it, " Wien said.如果我对印巴关系有想法,那么我会找他来讨论。

4.Mr. Wien writes in his market commentary that: 'the group was gloomy on the outlook despite the comfort of the surroundings.韦恩在其市场评论中写道:尽管置身舒适的环境之中,餐会客人对经济前景都非常悲观。

5.Writes Mr. Wien , ' I didn't get the feepng anyone there was rushing out to place an order before the close based on what was said . '韦恩在评论中说,从大家的言谈来看,我并没觉得餐会上有谁急着要赶在收盘前去下单的。

6.However in 2003 a second specimen from Madagascar in the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien in Vienna, Austria suggested it was not a hybrid.然而在2003年,维也纳自然历史博物馆——该博物馆处于奥地利维也纳——得到了来自马达加斯加在的第二个这种蜘蛛的样本,说明它不是杂交物种。

7.Byron Wien, chief investment strategist at Pequot Capital Management, says he is an optimist.对冲基金公司PequotCapitalManagement的首席投资策略师拜伦·韦恩(ByronWien)说他是一个乐观的。

8."His record is impressive, " said Byron R. Wien, vice chairman of Blackstone Advisory Services.“他有惊人的记录,”拜伦·R·韦恩说道,他是黑石咨询公司的主席。

9.That makes sense to Dr. Kaufman, as well as Messrs. Wien, Biggs and Lynch.对此考夫曼博士以及韦恩、比格斯和林奇三位先生都认为是有道理的。

10.He used a bulb in a Wien bridge oscillator circuit to solve the problem of how to regulate the output without causing distortion.他在文氏桥振荡器电路中使用了一个灯泡来解决调节输出的问题,同时不会引起失真。