


美式发音: [ˈwaɪldp] 英式发音: ['waɪldp]








1.失控地;紊乱地in a way that is not controlled

She looked wildly around for an escape.她环顾四周,拼命寻找逃路。

His heart was beating wildly.他的心脏剧烈地跳着。

2.极其;非常extremely; very

The story had been wildly exaggerated.这件事被过分地夸大了。

It is not a wildly funny play.这并不是一出太滑稽的戏剧。


adv.1.in an uncontrolled way2.extremely, used for emphasizing what you are saying

1.疯狂地 guide n. 向导,导游者 wildly adv. 疯狂地,急切地 gray adj. 灰色的 ...

2.发狂地 gesticulate vi. 打手势 wildly ad. 发狂地,荒唐地 outrageous a. 令人不能容忍的 ...

3.失去控制地 A-4-58 wildpfe 野生生物 8 A-5-76 wildly 失去控制地 8 A-6-94 will 将,将要 7 ...

4.野蛮地 wildcat adj. 盲目的,不可靠的;n.野猫 wildly adv. 野蛮地 wilpngly adv. 愿意地 ...

5.荒唐地 gesticulate vi. 打手势 wildly ad. 发狂地,荒唐地 outrageous a. 令人不能容忍的 ...

6.狂热地 ... extent1. 大小 wildly1. 狂热地 towering1. 高耸的,屹立的 ...

7.狂野地 ... wild adj. 野生的;粗野的;猛烈的;疯狂的;热中的 wildly adv. 狂野地;激烈地;疯狂地;非常地 26. plastic adj. 塑胶 …


1.Is the wildly using of robots will bring our human beings danger, use you own view tell sb you thoughts on it: a blessing or a curse?过度的使用机器人来取代人类工作,将变的危险,你的看法?是好还是坏?

2.It had waited for me to be born, and then it had waited for me to be suddenly crippled in both legs during my wildly ambitious youth.它等待我出生,然后又等待我活到最狂妄的年龄上忽地残废了双腿。

3.These "wildly popular" graphics relay information through design, making them accessible and easy-to-understand.这些“广泛流行”的图片通过设计来传递信息,这让它们容易被接受也容易被理解。

4.It was a sensational pig show and we applauded wildly, but it inspired a bit of envy in this city dweller.这是一场轰动的猪儿秀,我们的掌声经久不息。

5.He and I sat on a wooden bench outside the KB Toys Store watching the kids as they ran wildly in and out of the store.他和我坐在KB玩具店外面的木长椅上看孩子们异常兴奋地跑进跑出。

6.One of the soloists gently turned him around, to see the hall full of a wildly cheering, applauding, and hat-waving audience.这位独奏家渐渐地转过头来,看到整个大厅充满了疯狂的欢呼声、掌声,观众挥舞的帽子。

7.He looked up wildly, and saw his mother and uncle regarding him with sad faces.他发疯似地抬起头来,发现他的母亲和叔父正满面愁容地望着他。

8.I should wildly, as we walked together out of the front door, to wait for the coach in the road.我大声喊着。我们一起走出前门,在路边等车。

9.Now that investors seem to understand this, the markets are swinging wildly.现在投资者似乎明白了这一点,市场也开始强烈震荡。

10.He saw how the White House cynically used the popularity of his boss, Mr Powell, while being wildly jealous of it.他看清了白宫是如何借助他的上司鲍威尔的知名度,对其冷嘲热讽,同时又对他的知名度妒火中烧。