

go straight up

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1.Prices never go straight up and therefore it is necessary to let the prices go against you at times.价格不会直上直下,因而有必要让价格走势处于和你的仓位(期望)对抗几次。

2.However, with the passage of time, ShaShiLu gradually damaged, in the head and pour out the stones bare, go straight up on jumping.可是,随着时间的推移,砂石路渐渐被损坏,压在土中的碎砖头和石子裸露了出来,车子走在上面直起蹦。

3.But originally, "Qi Pao" was kind of go straight up from down, there is no waist here.但是最初的旗袍是直上直下的,中间这部分并没有腰。

4.Poll numbers of American support for China should go straight up.而在民意调查中,支持中国的美国民众人数也必然得是直线上升的。

5.Because the red ship is moving so fast, the beam does not appear to go straight up.由于红色飞船正以极快的速度飞行,光线的行走不是垂直向上。

6.The trees go straight up; only at the top do they have branches.这些树笔直向上生长,只在顶部有分枝。

7.I should try to continue to go straight up early, how parking at first?我早应该试着继续向前走,怎么停在原地了?

8.The ego of everyday, bravely go straight up!每天的自我,勇敢地向前走!

9.They can go straight up or tumble down the side of the mountain.它们会笔直地掉落或滚到山体的另一边。

10.To go straight up, you have to press both at the same time, but if you do you'll go up fast.如果你想上升,也要同时按住两个键,那样你上升的速度相当快。