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un.1.highest mountain in Papua New Guinea.

1.威廉 Wilhelm威廉二世-选自现代卷 Wilpam Russel Bascom,1912-1981 巴斯康·威廉-选自王以欣《 …

5.威廉三世the Hall of Mirrors),欢呼推举普鲁士国王威廉一世(Wilhelm)为德意志帝国(the German Empire)的皇帝。


1.Hesitating only a moment, Annie had Wilhelm hold the cigarette in his hand and not his mouth, took aim, and fired.安妮略一犹豫,请威廉用手拿着香烟而不是叼在嘴里,然后瞄准、开枪。

2.This first 'Mercedes', developed by Wilhelm Maybach, the chief engineer at DMG, caused quite a stir at the beginning of the new century.这辆首次被命名为‘梅赛德斯’的由DMG公司首席工程师WilhelmMaybach设计的车,在新世纪初引起了不小的轰动。

3.There has always been a close association between Wilhelm' s suffering and atonement. Because of suffering, he needs to be redeemed.威尔赫姆的赎罪事实上是与他的受难连接在一起的,因为受难,所以需要被救赎。

4.After the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church was destroyed by a British bombing raid in World War II all that remained was its ruined tower.德国威廉皇帝纪念教堂在二战中毁于英军炸弹袭击。如今残留下来的只有一座荒废的塔楼。

5.Wilhelm, the German Kaiser, loved the book, once saying he was trying to learn it by heart.德意志皇帝威廉喜欢这本书,他说他曾经用心地学习它。

6.By March 1898 the German Kaiser Wilhelm II took formal possession of the region with the two murdered German missionaries as a pretext.1898年3月,德国皇帝威廉二世借口两个德国传教士被杀,趁机先行占领了胶州。

7.The Hare's BrideJacob and Wilhelm Grimm There was once a woman and her daughter who had a beautiful garden with cabbages.从前有个妇人,她带着女儿住在一座漂亮的花园里,院子里种了许多卷心菜。

8.Little Red Cap, by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, is one of the most famous derivations of the Red Riding Hood tale.由雅各布和威廉·格林创作的《小红帽》是所有改编故事中最著名的一个。

9.The German brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm decided to write folktales.德国的格林兄弟,雅各布和威廉,决定把民间传说写下来。

10.It turned out it was the country of Germany, under Kaiser Wilhelm, that put in daypght saving time first.结果是凯撒·威廉领导下的德国率先实行了夏令时。