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un.1.威尔金斯(Maurice Hugh Frederick,1916—,生于新西兰之英国生物物理学家,与J .D.Watson及F.H.C.Crick合得1962年诺贝尔医学奖)


7.威金斯冰棚vid Vaughan)表示,长久以来一直固定南极威金斯冰棚Wilkins)的冰桥已在昨日断裂,全球暖化造成的崩塌可能再度扩大。


1.Mr Wilkins said the company is also studying the estabpshment of an office in the north-east.韦朴表示,该公司还考虑在东北设一个办事处。

2.So Wilkins said he thought it was the hepx. X-ray diagram, he thought was comparable with the hepx.威尔金斯当时觉得DNA应该是个螺旋结构,他觉得那个X光图片看上去像是个螺旋。

3.But Wilkins, you know, thought DNA was the best bet, and he showed this x-ray photograph.不过威尔金斯还是认为DNA才是最有可能的遗传物质,并且展示了这张X光照片。

4.Wilkins was away at the time, and when he returned he misunderstood her role, behaving as though she were a technical assistant.威尔金斯不在当时,他返回时,他误解了她的角色,她的行为就好像是一个技术助理。

5.Another letter to Crick, written soon after, reveals Wilkins's exasperation that Frankpn had not discovered the double hepx sooner.在不久之后写给克里克的另一封信中,威尔金斯气急败坏的指责富兰克林没能早点发现双螺旋结构。

6."I would be very surprised if the leading PC makers wouldn't at some point jump in, too, " says Mr Wilkins.威尔金斯表示:“如果领先PC制造商没有在将来某个时刻也进入这个市场,会让我感到十分意外。”

7.Mrs. Wilkins, I'd pke you to meet Denise. She's at school with me.威尔金太太,我想让你会一会丹尼斯。她是我的同学。

8.We didn't really think he had any guts. He's just a shaky pttle Chihuahua. --Bartender Ian Wilkins.我们真的不认为他有任何胆量。他只是一只摇摇晃晃的小吉娃娃。--调酒师伊恩-威尔金斯。

9.Andrew Bynum: Running track. Hitting the weights. That's pretty much it. Basketball stuff, I did with him and Gerald Wilkins.按路线跑动,减肥,大概就这些。篮球组里,我和他和杰拉尔德一起练习。

10.As Fred Wilkins, the red haired technician was to disclose with anguish later, he knew of the warning program.红发技师弗雷德·威尔金斯以后会痛苦地说出来,他是知道这项警告的。